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May 9, 2024





Uploaded by MajorThunderMandrill17

May 5th, 2024 Group Number-5 Assignment #2 Shahi, Akanksha Shringarpure, Rucha Sandip Somagani, Sai Jyothi Yalamanchili, Praneeth Ram Tumma, Udai Sai Rakesh, UTUMMA Tumma, Indra Simha Reddy, ITUMMA Your Assignment Part 1 : Read the newly updated Mission Statement and the Business Requirements we’ve gathered. Part 2 : Come up with five (5) more Business Questions that you’ll want our model to answer, and the benefit to answering each question. These should be different, and more complex, than the questions you came up with for the prior homework. Part 3 : Create a completed ERD given the Mission Statement and the Business Requirements. FIX ALL M:N’s in the ERD . For your composite entities, DO NOT USE ANY SURROGATE PKs . Part 4 : For your newly 3NF-compliant system, list out ALL Functional Dependencies (FDs). Solution Part 2: 1. What is the average star rating given by best friends when they watch shows together compared to when they watch alone? Understanding how the presence of a best friend affects the perceived enjoyment of a show can help in recommending content that is more likely to be enjoyed in a social setting. If the average star rating is significantly higher when watching with best friends, it may indicate the importance of social interaction in viewers' enjoyment of certain content. 2. How does the box office earnings of movies correlate with the IMDB ratings? Analyzing the relationship between box office earnings and IMDB ratings can provide insights into audience preferences and the factors influencing commercial success. This information can inform decisions related to content investment, marketing strategies, and audience targeting.
3. Which actors command the highest average salary per role, and do their performances correlate with higher viewer ratings? Identifying actors who consistently demand higher salaries relative to their roles and evaluating the impact of their performances on viewer ratings can help in optimizing casting decisions. This analysis can guide budget allocation for talent acquisition and assess the return on investment in securing high-profile actors. 4. Are certain genres more likely to win specific awards, and does winning awards positively impact viewer engagement? Examining the distribution of awards across different genres and assessing the subsequent impact on viewer engagement can provide valuable insights into the intersection of content quality and audience preferences. This understanding can inform content production strategies, genre diversification efforts, and promotional campaigns aimed at leveraging award recognition to attract viewers. 5. How does the gender diversity of directors correlate with the diversity of genres and viewer demographics? Investigating the representation of directors by gender across different genres and analyzing its correlation with viewer demographics can shed light on the relationship between creative leadership diversity and content diversity. This analysis can inform initiatives aimed at promoting gender equity in the entertainment industry, expanding genre offerings to cater to diverse audiences, and enhancing inclusivity in storytelling.
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