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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 228 John Bartlett

Music, man that hath no, in himself, 66.
mute, will make the, 679.
never merry when I hear sweet, 65.
night shall be filled with, 641.
not for the doctrine but the, 324.
of her face, 259.
of humanity, still sad, 467.
of the morns, in the, 636.
of the sea, rose to the, 503.
of the spheres, 218.
of the spheres above, silence, 763.
of the union, keep step to the, 599.
of those village bells, 422.
passed away, though all their, 802.
passed in, out of sight, 669.
pealed, southern stars a, 686.
slumbers in the shell, 455.
some to church repair for, 324.
soul of, shed, 519.
sounds of, creep in our ears, 65.
sphere-descended maid, 390.
sweet compulsion in, 250.
sweeter than their own, a, 471.
tells, many a tale their, 523.
tells no truths, 722.
that heavenly, 587.
that would charm forever, 485.
the sea-maid’s, to hear, 57.
’t is angels’, 205.
to attending ears, softest, 106.
to honied phrases set, 844.
waste their, on the savage, 311.
we may live without, 779.
when soft voices die, 567.
wherever there is harmony there is, 218.
with her silver sound, 404.
with its voluptuous swell, 542.
with poem or with, 241.
with the enamelled stones, 44.
Music’s golden tongue, 575.
own, every tone is, 608.
Musical and low, in his seemed, 732.
as bright Apollo’s lute, 56, 245.
glasses, Shakespeare and the, 402.
most, most melancholy, 249.
silence, 777.
Musically wells, tintinnabulation that so, 655.
Music-makers, we are the, 819.
Musing in his sullein mind, 28.
on companions gone, 489.
there an hour alone, 557.
while the fire burned, 1011.
Musk, swirls of, 833.
Musket moulds in his hands, 831.
Muskets aimed at duck, 439.
Musk-rose and woodbine, 248.
of the dale, sweetened every, 245.
Musk-roses, sweet with, 58.
Must be as we are now, 263.
be counted ere I see thy face, 686.
be for the best, 780.
be now no passages of, 679.
couple or must die, it, 750.
do the thing we must, 760.
genius does what it, 781.
Must have a touch of earth, 679.
I thus leave thee, 239.
not what we would but what we, 763.
youth replies I can, 616.
Mustard, after meat comes, 972.
Musty morals, men of, 798.
Mutable, woman is various and most, 684.
Mutantur nos et mutamur, 321.
Mute farewell, wave their hands for a, 749.
inglorious Milton, 385.
nature mourns, 488.
nightingale was, 622.
unchanged hoarse, 236.
Mutine in a matron’s bones, 140.
Mutiny, stones to rise and, 114.
Mutter, wizards that peep and, 1025.
Mutters backward, 246.
Muttered in hell, ’t was, 862.
Mutton, joint of, 90.
Muttons, to return to our, 957.
Mutual heart, when we meet a, 358.
My better half, 34.
country ’t is of thee, 654.
ever new delight, 235.
idea of an agreeable person, 629.
life is like a stroll upon the beach, 722.
lord the king and me, betwixt, 719.
opinion is and so and so, 947.
own dim life should teach, 675.
sole rule of life, almost, 583.
whinstone house my castle is, 585.
Mynheer Vandunck, 454.
Myriad of precedent, codeless, 670.
Myriads bid you rise, what, 990.
of daisies, 486.
of other globes, around me, 745.
of rivulets hurrying, 673.
Myriad-minded Shakespeare, 504.
Myrtle, groves of laurel and, 989.
land of the cypress and, 549.
Myrtles, grove of, 175, 989.
Myself am hell, 231.
clear, of cants, 583.
enabled me to remain true to, 581.
I live not in, 543.
never less alone by, 431.
not if I know, 509.
such a thing as I, 110.
Mysteries lie beyond thy dust, 264.
nor lose thy simple faith in, 647.
priestess of night’s high, 613.
Mysterious cement of the soul, 354.
exodus of death, the long, 647.
union with its native sea, 480.
way, God moves in a, 423.
Mystery, before, 844.
burden of the, 467.
constitutes the essence of worship, 995.
desire and, 769.
despite faith and creed remains the, 683.
heart of my, 139.
hid under Egypt’s pyramid, 658.