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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 91 John Bartlett

Eldorado, land of, 855.
Elect, all hearts confess the saints, 651.
Elections, biennial, 283.
Electric chain, striking the, 545.
power, genius hath, 610.
Electrical effect, an, 827.
Elegance of female friendship, 368.
Elegant as simplicity, 414.
but not ostentatious, 369.
simplicity of three per cents, 437.
sufficiency content, 355.
Element, creatures of the, 244.
lowering, scowls, 227.
one God one law one, 677.
thy, is below, 146.
Elements, become our, 227.
cronies of the, 846.
dare the, to strife, 550.
I tax not you, you, 146.
large, in order brought, 677.
so mixed in him, 115.
to whom the better, 608.
unhurt amidst the war of, 299.
weak and beggarly, 1038.
Elephant learns to dance, 925.
man’s plaything, 925.
what is bigger than an, 925.
Elephants endorsed with towers, 240.
for want of towns, 289.
Elevate, in thoughts more, 228.
Elevation of mankind, hindrances to, 722.
Eleven die nobly, 102.
points of the law, possession is, 296.
Elizabeth, than my sonne’s wife, 749.
Eliza’s days, names in great, 859.
Ell, he’ll take an, 20.
Elm, pears from an, 977.
star-proof, branching, 250.
Elms, immemorial, 673.
Elocution, wherefore waste our, 802.
Eloquence and poetry, 260.
heavenly, 268.
mother of arts and, 241.
of eyes, 339.
resistless, 241.
splendid, 353.
than speech, silence hath more, 696.
the soul, 228.
to woe, truth denies all, 551.
truth is the secret of, 995.
Eloquent just and mighty death, 26.
man not speaking the truth, 585.
music, discourse most, 138.
that old man, 252.
Tully was not so, 546.
Eloquently bright, quenchless stars so, 635.
Elves, criticising, 412.
faery, whose midnight revels, 225.
whose little eyes, 202.
Elysian beauty, 482.
life, suburb of the, 642.
Elysium, lap it in, 244.
on earth, if there be, 527.
within whose circuit is, 94.
Emanation from the gospel, 460.
Emathain conqueror, 252.
Embalmed in tears, 491.
Embattled armies, 242.
farmers stood, here the, 615.
Ember wrought its ghost, each, 655.
Embers glowing, 250.
Emblem of truth, 537.
to friends and enemies, 483.
Emblems of deeds, 549.
of untimely graves, 420.
right meet of decency, 380.
Embodied greatest number greatest ideas, 746.
Embodiment, the law is the true, 801.
Embody the law, 801.
Emboldens sin, mercy, 109.
Embosomed in the deep, 395.
Embrace, arms take your last, 109.
caught a star in its, 867.
endure then pity then, 317.
me she inclined, 252.
thy friends leave all in order, 745.
Embracing to cheer and bless, all, 803.
vines, 784.
Embroidery, every flower wears sad, 248.
Embryo, chancellor in, 380.
yesterday in, 939.
Embryos and idiots, 231.
Emelie, up rose, 2.
Emerald cucumber-tree, wild, 635.
hue, a little peach of, 830.
isle, 1047.
Emergencies, untried, 740.
Emergency, whatever the, 801.
Emerson, first there comes, 734.
whose rich words, 734.
Eminence, that bad, 226.
Eminent, tax for being, 291.
Emotion, intellectualized, 740.
you can not demonstrate an, 812.
Emperor without his crown, 307.
Empire, cutpurse of the, 140.
is peace, the, 1002.
my mind to me an, 22.
of habit is powerful, 895.
of land to the French, 580.
of the air to Germany, 580.
of the heavens bright, 29.
of the sea to the English, 580.
sun never sets on the immense, 495.
survey our, 550.
swayed the rod of, 384.
thy dread, chaos, 332.
trade’s proud, 367.
westward the course of, 312.
westward the star of, 312.
will be dreadful, their, 550.
Empires, day of, 799.
dissolve, 841.
two everlasting hostile, 583.
whose game was, 555.
Employ, in some unknown power’s 753.
teach heaven’s, 709.
Employment, chase brave, 205.
hand of little, 143.
Employments, how various his, 420.