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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 97 John Bartlett

Everything that pretty is, 159.
that’s excellent, 801.
that’s old, I love, 171.
there is a season to, 1022.
they that are above have ends in, 197.
time tries the troth in, 18.
time will develop, 627.
Everythink goes contrairy with me, 701.
Everywhere be bold, 28.
his place, 260.
out of the, into the here, 759.
the gods see, 642.
the human soul stands, 583.
the sun shines, 76.
Evidence of life, growth is the only, 607.
of things not seen, 1040.
Evident manifestation of the Divinity, 996.
things true and, 932.
Evil and good are God’s right, 721.
be ignorant in foreboding, 881.
be not overcome of, 1036.
be thou my good, 231.
bent on doing, 896.
but on earth, is there, 683.
communications, 1038.
conscience, the disease of an, 693.
days, though fallen on, 236.
death is not the worst, 882.
doing, on the ground of expediency, 840.
essence of good and, 930.
feared God and eschewed, 1008.
folly that seeks through, good, 649.
for himself, man work, 879.
for his good repay, 346.
fruit of a bad man, 879.
good and good evil, 1025.
good from seeming, 357.
goodness in things, 92.
hastening to merge itself, 743.
ignorance is the one only, 946.
is null, is nought, the, 710.
is wrought by want of thought, 592.
its good, every, 619.
keep thy tongue from, 1011.
love of money is the root of all, 1040.
manners live in brass, 100.
moral, and of good, 466.
new and untried, 964.
news rides post, 242.
not into, wrought, 809.
obscures the show of, 63.
of that purpose, I knew the, 884.
of the dead, speak not, 944.
oldest and best known, 964.
out of good find means of, 223.
pain is no, unless it conquer, 728.
partial, universal good, 316.
recompense to no man evil for, 1036.
report and good report, 1038.
root of all, love of money is the, 1040.
soul of goodness in things, 773.
submit to the present, 901.
Evil tends to disappear, 773.
that men do lives after them, 113.
thereof, sufficient unto the day is the, 1030.
thing that walks by night, 244.
tongue an unruly, 1041.
universal good all partial, 316.
vice itself lost half its, 410.
wealth excludes but one, 373.
which I would not I do, 1036.
Evils, less of two, 7.
philosophy triumphs over past, 980.
the school of mankind, 411.
two weak, 69.
Evolution is not a force, 812.
of things, always on the, 839.
Exactness, with, grinds he all, 979.
Exaltation the divine insanity, thine the, 647.
Exalted sat, Satan, 226.
Examine, the laws of heat, 812.
Example from the lives of men, 891.
joy of past, 346.
profit by their, 429.
results of your own, 902.
salutary influence of, 369.
thy stream my great, 257.
to deter, as an, 874.
you with thievery, 109.
Examples for the instruction of youth, 411.
more efficacious than precept, 368.
philosophy teaching by, 304.
Exceedin’ accommodatin’ character, an, 787.
Exceeding fair she was not, 35.
tall men, 166.
wise, fair-spoken, 101.
Exceedingly beautiful, 499.
small pickaninny, an, 750.
well read, 86.
Excel, ’t is useless to, 377.
unstable thou shalt not, 1005.
Excels all earthly bliss, 22.
another, one man, 888.
the quirks of blazoning pens, 151.
Excellence, fair divided, 78.
in a wondrous, 163.
it cannot reach, hates that, 355.
smallest scruple of her, 46.
to maturity, 899.
Excellent dumb discourse, 43.
in neither, 163.
knowledge of what is, 913.
thing in woman, 149.
to have a giant’s strength, 48.
Excelling nature, pattern of, 156.
Exception prove the rule, 187.
Excess, desire of knowledge in, 165.
desire of power in, 165.
nothing in, 943.
of glory obscured, 225.
of it, give me, 74.
of light, blasted with, 382.
of wealth is cause of covetousness, 41.
of wisdom, the wise through, 620.
our own prodigal, 483.
there is moderation even in, 626.