
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

dissonant 15, 713 dissuade 616 dissuasion 616 dissuitable 24 dissyllable 561 distain dirty 653 ugly 846 distal 196 distance 196 overtake 282 go beyond 303 defeat 731 angular – 244 – of time long time 110 past 122 keep at a – discourtesy 895 keep one’s – avoid 623 modest 881 respect 928 teach one his – 879 distant 196 distaste 867 distasteful 830 distemper color 428 painting 556 disease 655 distend 194 distended 192 distich 89, 597 distichous 91 distill come out 295 extract 301 evaporate 336 drop 348 distillation 336 distinct disjoined 44 audible 402 visible 446 intelligible 518 manifest 525 express 535 articulate 580 distinction difference 15 greatness 31 discrimination 465 elegance 578 fame 873 rank 875 – without a difference 27 lacking – 465a distinctive different 15 savory 394 – feature 79 distingué fashion 852 repute 873 distinguish perceive 441 discriminate 465 – by the name of 564 distinguishable 15 distinguished superior 33 repute 873 distinguishing 15 distort [see distortion] distortion obliquity 217 twist 243 of vision 443 misinterpret 523 falsehood 544 misrepresent 555 ugly 846 (misjudge 481) distract 458 distracted confused 475 insane 503 excited 824 distraction passion 825 love to – 897 distrain take 789 appraise 812 attach 969 distrait 458 distraught 475, 503 distress distraint 789 poverty 804 affliction 828 cause pain 830 signal of – 669 distribute arrange 60 disperse 73 type 591 allot 786 distribution [see distribute] distributor electrical 272 district to partition 44 area 181 – court 966 distrust disbelief 485 fear 860 distrustful 487 disturb derange 61 change 140 displace 185 agitate 315 excite 824 distress 828, 830 disturbance disorder 59 disunion disagreement 24 separation 44 disorder 59 discord 713 disunite separate 44 break with 713 disunity 24 disuse desuetude 614 relinquish 624 unemploy 678 disused 124, 678 disvaluation 932 disvalue 932 ditch inclosure 232 hollow 252 trench 259 water 343 conduit 350 defense 717 ditch water 653 ditheism 984 dithyramb poetry 597 dithyrambic wild 503 ditto identity 13 repetition 104 say – to 488 ditty 415 – bag 191 diurnal 138 diuturnal 110 diuturnity 110 divagate 279 divan sofa 215 council 696 throne 747 tribunal 966 divaricate differ 15 bifurcate 91 fork 244 diverge 291 divarication 16a dive resort 189 swim 267 plunge 310 – into inquire 461 divellicate 44 diverge [see divergence] divergence nonuniformity 16a difference 15 dissimilarity 18 variation 20a disagreement 24 deviation 279 separation 291 divers different 15 multiform 81 many 102 – colored 440 diverse 15 diversiform 81 diversify [see diversity] vary 20a change 140 diversion change 140 deviation 279 pleasure 377 amusement 840 diversity difference 15 irregular 16a dissimilar 18 multiform 81 – of opinion 489 divert turn 279 deceive 545 amuse 840 – the mind 452, 458 divertissement drama 599 amusement 840 Dives 803 divest denude 226 take 789 – oneself of abrogate 756 relinquish 782 divestment 226 divide separate 44 part 51 arrange 60 arithmetic 85 bisect 91 measure 466 vote 609 apportion 786 dividend part 51 number 84 portion 786 dividers 466 divination prediction 511 sorcery 992 divine predict 511 guess 514 perfect 650 of God 976, 983, 983a clergyman 996 – right authority 737 due 924 – service 990 diviner 994 diving 267 – bird 310 divining rod sign 550 magic 993 Divinity God 976 theology 983 divisible [see divide] number 84 division [see divide] part 51 class 75 arithmetic 85 school 542 election 609 discord 713 military 726 divisor 84 divorce separation 44 relinquish 782 matrimonial 905 Divorce Court 966 divorcée 905 divulge 529 divulsion 44 diwan 745 dixi 535 Dixie’s land 827 dizen 225, 847 dizzard 501 dizziness [see dizzy] dizzy dim-sighted 443 confused 458 vertigo 503 – height 206 – round 312