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Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.

Laurence Sterne

Beauty, like truth, never is so glorious as when it goes plainest.

An eye is, for all the world, exactly like a cannon, in this respect, That it is not so much the eye or the cannon, in themselves, as it is the carriage of the eye, and the carriage of the cannon; by which both the one and the other are enabled to do so much execution.

The way to fame, like the way to heaven, is through much tribulation.

Groundless as the dreams of philosophy.

The chaste mind, like a polished plane, may admit foul thoughts, without receiving their tincture.

Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other.

Plain as the sun at noonday.

Rotten as dirt.

Slander, like the pestilence, which rages at noonday, sweeps all before it, levelling without distinction the good and the bad.

Whispering soft, like the last low accents of an expiring saint.

Titles of honor are like impressions on coin, which add no value to gold and silver, but only render brass current.

Warm as a stove.