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Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919). New York. 1906.

Page 86

Island, Leisler refused to recognize his authority. The mass of the citizens supported Ingoldsby, while the militia stood by Leisler. For six weeks the two parties remained under arms, threatening each other, Ingoldsby’s headquarters being in the City Hall and Leisler’s in the fort. Then a skirmish took place in which several of Ingoldsby’s regulars were killed or wounded, while Leisler’s militia, shielded by the fort, escaped unharmed. The very day after this, Governor Sloughter’s ship appeared in the harbor, and he immediately landed and took command. The following morning Leisler’s militia deserted him, and he and his chief officers were promptly seized and imprisoned. They were tried for high treason, and Leisler and Milborne, the two ringleaders, were adjudged guilty and hanged; most of the respectable citizens, including the clergymen of every denomination, demanding their death as affording the only warrant for the future safety of the colony. The Leislerian or democratic party was cowed, and for the moment did nothing save feebly and ineffectually to protest against the execution of the sentence.
  The popular party of New York had certainly failed to show governmental capacity, moderation toward opponents, or power to curb the oppressive tyranny of its own leaders. Its downfall was as complete as the triumph of the aristocratic element.