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Jacob A. Riis (1849–1914). Theodore Roosevelt, the Citizen. 1904.

Subject Index

Southwestern miners’ convention 380

Speaker, Roosevelt as a 413, 414

Standard Oil Company 388

Stanton, Secretary of War 439

State Charities’ Aid Association 441

Sullivan Street Industrial School 347, 349

Sunday saloon-closing law 130, 138, 139, 140, 292

Street Cleaning Commissionership offered to Roosevelt 133

Spanish misrule in Cuba 159

Speaker in the Legislature 58

State Bar Association—speech in 1899 258

State Board of Charities 441

“Strenuous Life, The” 420

Strong, Mayor 63, 132

Success—Roosevelt quoted 427

Sunday-school teacher 37

Sweatshops inspected by the Governor 217, 218

Taft—governor 397, 400

Tammany 100, 132, 135, 137, 143, 147, 213, 301, 398

Taylor, “Buck” 207

“Tear in the Clouds” 244

Tenement House Commission Bill 220

Tenement labor 60

Tenement labor investigated 60, 217, 218, 219

Texas Rangers 181

Thanksgiving dinner sent to the Army of the Potomac 440

Thucydides 33

Tientsin—conference of captains at 385

Tordenskjold, Peter 30

“True American Ideals” 57

Trusts—Roosevelt’s attitude toward 386, 387

Turkey—atrocities in 296

Twin Island 356, 358, 361

Union League Club 436, 447

United Charities, Board of 441

Upper Tahawus Club 243

Van Amringe, Dean 52

Venezuela imbroglio 383

Vice-presidency — nomination 33, 233, 234, 235

Victoria, Queen 369

Vienna Exhibition, American Department 446

“Wall Street News” quoted 389

Wall Street view of Roosevelt 367, 387, 389, 390

Waring, Colonel 133

Washington, Booker T. 369

Washington, George — quoted 410

Washington, the America of, contrasted with today 284

Westbrook, Judge 54

Wheeler, General 192, 194