
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Sonnet XXI

V. Barnaby Barnes

SOLE hope and blessing of olde Israel’s line!

Which gave, by promise, to his blessed seede

A land that should all blessings plentie breede,

Rivers of pleasant honnie, milke, and wine;

Whose offspring numberlesse Thou calledst thine;

Whome with thine angels’ manna thou didst feede,

Being before from Pharoe’s bondage freede,

When Moyses first thy statutes did resigne:

Behold, deare God! one, in these daies of grace,

(Since by thy precious bloud thou freede mankinde

By promise,) which a portion and a place

Amongst thy children hopeth for to finde

In gospel’s comfort: through thy bloud’s deare prise

Oh, let him purchase such a Paradise!