
Home  »  Women Poets of the Nineteenth Century  »  Katharine Tynan Hinkson (1861–1931)

Alfred H. Miles, ed. Women Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 1907.

By A Lover’s Breast-Knot (1896). I. Love’s Trouble

Katharine Tynan Hinkson (1861–1931)

FOR you I fear the stabbing rain,

The wounding wind;

O wandering love, return again,

Turn, and be kind!

The distant thunder in the hills

I fear for you;

I fear the lightning’s spear that kills,

Wavering, blue.

For you the noonday sun I dread.

O noonday sun,

Rest quietly on his dear head,

My dearest one!

For you all evil beasts I fear,

All foul affrights,

With winged shadows that creep anear

In lonely nights.

Dear angels, guard him where he goes,

In day and dark!

Lest nigh his path, in lily and rose,

The serpent lurk.

O, sleepless eyes of blessed ones,

Watch o’er my love;

And wings that shame th’ eternal suns

Winnow above!