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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

Innocence to It is an equal

Innocence has a friend in heaven.Schiller.

Innocence is a flower which withers when touched, and blooms not again though watered with tears.Hooper.

Inopem me copia fecit—Plenty has made me poor; wealth makes wit waver.Ovid.

Inopi beneficium bis dat, qui dat celeriter—He confers a twofold benefit on a needy man who does so quickly.Publius Syrus.

Inops, potentem dum vult imitari, perit—An incapable man who attempts to imitate a capable is sure to come to grief.Phædrus.

Inquinat egregios adjuncta superbia mores—The best manners are stained by the addition of pride.Claudian.

Inquisitiveness as seldom cures jealousy as drinking in a fever quenches the thirst.Wycherley.

Ins Innre der Natur / Dringt kein erschaffner Geist. / Glückselig, wem sie nur / Die äussre Schale weist—No created spirit penetrates into the inner secret of Nature. Happy he to whom she shows but the outer shell.Haller.

Insani sapiens nomen ferat, æquus iniqui, / Ultra quod satis est virtutem si petat ipsam—Let the wise man bear the name of fool, and the just of unjust, if he pursue Virtue herself beyond the proper bounds.Horace.

Insanire parat certa ratione modoque—He is preparing to act the madman with a certain degree of reason and method.Horace.

Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked.Holmes.

Insanus omnis furere credit cæteros—Every madman believes that all others are mad.Syrus.

Insculpsit—He engraved it.

Inservi Deo et lætare—Serve God and rejoice.Motto.

Insipientis est dicere, Non putarem—It is the part of a fool to say, “I should not have thought so.”

Insita hominibus natura violentiæ resistere—It is natural to man to resist oppression.Tacitus.

Insita mortalibus natura, propere sequi quæ piget inchoare—People are naturally ready enough to follow in matters in which they are disinclined to take the lead.Tacitus.

Insolence is pride when her mask is pulled off.Proverb.


Insperata accidunt magis sæpe quam quæ speres—What you do not expect happens more frequently than what you do.Plautus.

Inspicere, tanquam in speculum, in vitas omnium / Jubeo, atque ex aliis sumere exemplum sibi—I would have you to look into the lives of all, as into a mirror, and draw from others an example for yourself.Terence.

Inspiration must find answering inspiration.A. B. Alcott.

Inspirations that we deem our own are our divine foreshadowing and foreseeing of things beyond our reason and control.Longfellow.

Inspiring bold John Barleycorn! / What dangers thou canst make us scorn!Burns.

Instar omnium—Like all the others.

Instead of the piteous and frightful figure of Death, stepping whip in hand by the peasant’s side in the field,… place there a radiant angel, sowing with full hands the blessed grain in the smoking furrow.George Sand.

Instead of watching the bird as it flies above our heads, we chase his shadow along the ground; and, finding we cannot grasp it, we conclude it to be nothing.Hare.

Instinct is a great matter; I was a coward on instinct.1 Henry IV., ii. 4.

Instinct is intelligence incapable of self-consciousness.John Sterling.

Instruction does much, but encouragement everything.Goethe.

Intaminatis fulget honoribus—He shines with unspotted honours.Motto.

Integer vitæ scelerisque purus / Non eget Mauris jaculis neque arcu—The man of upright life and free from crime has no need of Moorish javelin or bow.Horace.

Integrity gains strength by use.Tillotson.

Integrity is the shortest and nearest way to our end, carrying us thither in a straight line, and will hold out and last longest.Tillotson.

Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.Johnson.

Intellect annuls fate; so far as a man thinks, he is free.Emerson.

Intellect is aristocratic; charity is democratic.Amiel.

Intellect is not speaking and logicising; it is seeing and ascertaining.Carlyle.

Intellect lies behind genius, which is intellect constructive.Emerson.

Intellectual fairness is often only another name for indolence and inconclusiveness of mind, just as love of truth is sometimes a fine phrase for temper.J. Morley.

Intellectual tasting of life will not supersede muscular activity.Emerson.

Intelligabilia, non intellectum, fero—I provide you with things intelligible, but not with intelligence.

Intemperans adolescentia effetum corpus tradet senectuti—An incontinent youth will transmit a worn-out bodily frame to old age.Cicero.

Intemperate wits will spare neither friend nor foe, and make themselves the common enemies of mankind.L’Estrange.

Intense study of the Bible will keep any man from being vulgar in point of style.Coleridge.

Inter alia—Among other matters.

Inter amicos omnium rerum communitas—Among friends all things are common.Cicero.

Inter arma leges silent—In the midst of arms the laws are silent.Cicero.

Inter canem et lupum—Between the dog and the wolf; at the twilight.

Inter cetera mala, hoc quoque habet stultitia proprium, semper incipit vivere—Among other evils, folly has also this special characteristic, it is always beginning to live.Seneca.

Inter delicias semper aliquid sævi nos strangulat—In the midst of our enjoyments there is always some wrong to torture us.Proverb.

Inter Græcos græcissimus, inter Latinos latinissimus—In Greek he is the most accomplished Grecian, and in Latin the most thorough Latinist.

Inter malleum et incudem—Between the hammer and the anvil.

Inter nos—Between ourselves.

Inter nos sanctissima divitiarum / Majestas—Among us the most sacred majesty is that of riches.Juvenal.

Inter pueros senex—An old man among boys.Proverb.

Inter spem curamque, timores inter et iras, / Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum: / Grata superveniet quæ non sperabitur hora—In the midst of hope and care, in the midst of fears and passions, believe each day that dawns on you is your last; welcome will steal upon you the hour that is not hoped for.Horace.

Inter sylvas Academi quærere verum—Amid the woods of Academus to seek for truth.Horace.

Inter untrumque tene—Keep a mid course between two extremes.Ovid.

Inter vivos—Among the living.

Interdum lacrymæ pondera vocis habent—Sometimes tears have the weight of words.Ovid.

Interdum stultus bene loquitur—Sometimes a fool speaks reasonably.

Interdum vulgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat—Sometimes the common people judge aright; at other times they err.Horace.

Interea gustus elementa per omnia quærunt, / Nunquam animo pretiis obstantibus; interius si / Attendas, magis ilia juvant, quæ pluris emuntur—Meantime they search for relishes through all the elements, with minds regardless of expense; look at it closely, those things please more which cost the higher price.Juvenal.

Interest blinds some people and enlightens others.La Rochefoucauld.

Interest is the spur of the people, but glory that of great souls.Rousseau.

Interest reipublicæ ut quisque re sua bene utatur—It is for the interest of the state that every one make a good use of his property.

Interest speaks all sorts of tongues, and plays all sorts of parts, even the part of the disinterested.La Rochefoucauld.

Interim fit aliquid—Something is going on meanwhile.Terence.

Into a mouth shut flies fly not.Proverb.

Into contradicting / Be thou never led away; / When with the ignorant they strive, / The wise to folly fall away.Goethe.

Into each life some rain must fall, / Some days must be dark and dreary.Longfellow.

Intolerabilius nihil est quam fœmina dives—There is nothing more insufferable than a rich woman.Juvenal.

Intra muros—Within the walls.

Introite, nam et hic dii sunt—Enter, for here too are gods.Heraclitus, from Aristotle.

Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once. It seldom belongs to man to say without presumption, “I came, I saw, I conquered.”Lavater.

Intus et in cute novi hominem—I know the man inside and out.Persius.

Intus et in jecore ægro / Nascuntur domini—Masters spring up in our own breasts, and from a morbid liver.Persius.

Intus si recte, ne labora—If inwardly right, don’t worry.

Intuta quæ indecora—What is unbecoming is unsafe.Tacitus.

Inveni portum, Spes et Fortuna valete, / Sat me lusistis, Indite nunc alios—I have reached the port; hope and fortune, farewell; you have made sport enough of me; make sport of others now.Lines at the end of Le Sage’s “Gil Blas.”

Invent first, and then embellish.Johnson.

Invention breeds invention.Emerson.

Invention is the talent of youth, and judgment of age.Swift.

Inventions have all been invented over and over fifty times. Man is the arch-machine, of which all these shifts drawn from himself are toy models.Emerson.

Invia virtuti nulla est via—No way is impassable to virtue.Ovid.

Invidia gloriæ comes—Envy is the attendant on glory.Ovid.

“Invidia,” jealousy of your neighbour’s good, has been, since dust was first made flesh, the curse of man; and “charitas,” the desire to do your neighbour grace, the one source of all human glory, power and material blessing.Ruskin.

Invidia Siculi non invenere tyranni / Tormentum majus—Sicilian tyrants invented nothing that is a greater torment than envy.Juvenal.

Invidiam ferre aut fortis aut felix potest—Only the brave or the fortunate are able to endure envy.Publius Syrus.

Invidiam placare paras, virtute relicta?—Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue?

Invidus alterius macrescit rebus opimis—The envious man grows lean at the prosperity of another.Horace.

Invidus, iracundus, iners, vinosus, amator, / Nemo adeo ferus est, ut non mitescere possit, / Si modo culturæ patientem commodet aurem—The envious, the passionate, the indolent, the drunken, the lewd—none is so savage that he cannot be tamed, if he only lend a patient ear to culture.Horace.

Invisa nunquam imperia retinentur diu—Hated governments never hold out long.Seneca.

Invisa potentia, atque miseranda vita eorum, qui se metui quam amari malunt—The power is detested, and the life wretched, of those who would rather be feared than loved.Cornelius Nepos.

Invita Minerva—Without genius or the requisite inspiration; against the will of Minerva.

Invitat culpam qui peccatum præterit—He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.Publius Syrus.

Invitum qui servat idem facit occidenti—He who saves a man against his will, does the same as if he killed him.Horace.

Invitum sequitur honos—Honour follows him unsolicited.Motto.

Inward cheerfulness is an implicit praise and thanksgiving to Providence under all its dispensations.Addison.

Ipsæ rursum concedite sylvæ—Once again, ye woods, adieu!Virgil.

Ipse dixit—He himself (viz. Pythagoras) said it. Assertion without proof.

Ipse docet quid agam: fas est et ab hoste doceri—He himself teaches me what to do; one ought not to be above taking a lesson even from an enemy.Ovid.

Ipse Jupiter, neque pluens omnibus placet, neque abstinens—Even Jupiter himself cannot please all, whether he sends rain or fair weather.Proverb.

Ipse pavet; nec qua commissas flectat habenas, / Nec scit qua sit iter; nec, si sciat, imperet illis—Scared himself, he knows neither how to turn the reins intrusted to him, nor which way to go; nor if he did, could he control the horses.Ovid, of Phaethon.

Ipsissima verba—The exact words.

Ipso facto—By the fact itself.

Ipso jure—By the law itself.

Ir por lana, y volver trasquilado—To go for wool and come back shorn.Spanish Proverb.

Ira furor brevis est; animum rege, qui, nisi paret, / Imperat: hunc frenis, nunc tu compesce catena—Anger is a short-lived madness; control thy temper, for unless it obeys, it commands thee; restrain it with bit and chain.Horace.

Ira quæ tegitur nocet; / Professa perdunt odia vindictæ locum—Resentment which is concealed is dangerous; hatred avowed loses its opportunity of revenge.Seneca.

Irarum tantos volvis sub pectore fluctus?—Dost thou roll such billows of wrath within your breast?Virgil.

Iratus cum ad se redit, sibi tum irascitur—When an angry man returns to himself, he is angry with himself.Publius Syrus.

Ire tamen restat, Numa quo devenit et Ancus—It still remains for you to go where Numa has gone, and Ancus before you.Horace.

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.Bible.

Iron with often handling is worn to nothing.Lyly’s Euphues.

Irony is an insult conveyed in the form of a compliment.Whipple.

Irony is jesting hidden behind gravity.John Weiss.

Irremeabilis unda—The river there is no re-crossing; the styx.Horace.

Irresolution loosens all our joints: like an ague, it shakes not this limb or that limb, but all the body is at once in a fit. The irresolute man hatches nothing, but addles all his actions.Feltham.

Irritabis crabrones—You will irritate the hornets.Plautus.

Irritation, like friction, is likely to generate heat instead of progress.George Eliot.

Irrthum verlässt uns nie; doch ziehet ein höher Bedürfniss immer den strebenden Geist leise zur Wahrheit hinan—Error never leaves us, yet a higher need always draws the striving spirit gently on to truth.Goethe.

Is a man one whit the better because he is grown great in other men’s esteem?Thomas à Kempis.

Is any place so inaccessible that an ass laden with gold cannot penetrate?Philip of Macedon to a scout who pronounced a certain territory impregnable.

Is beauty vain because it will fade? Then are earth’s green robe and heaven’s light vain.Pierpont.

Is cadet ante senem, qui sapit ante diem—He will die before he is old who is prematurely wise.Proverb.

Is common opinion the standard of merit?Thomas à Kempis.

Is habitus animorum fuit, ut pessimum facinus auderent pauci, plures vellent, omnes paterentur—Such was the public temper, that some few dared to perpetrate the vilest crimes, more were fain to do so, and all looked passively on.Tacitus.

Is it in destroying and pulling down that skill is displayed? The shallowest understanding, the rudest hand, is more equal to that task.Burke.

Is it not astonishing that the love of repose keeps us in continual agitation?Stanislaus.

Is it not strange that men should be so ready to fight for religion and so reluctant to observe its precepts?Lichtenberg.

Is it not the same to whoso wears a shoe as if the earth were thatched all over with leather?Hitopadesa.

Is it right to despair, and shall truth make us sad?Renan.

Is maxime divitiis utitur, qui minime divitiis indiget—He employs riches to the best purpose who least needs them.Seneca.

Is mihi demum vivere et frui anima videtur, qui aliquo negotio intentus, præclari facinoris aut artis bonæ famam quærit—He alone appears to me to live and to enjoy life, who, being engaged in some business, seeks reputation by some illustrious action or some useful art.Sallust.

Is mihi videtur amplissimus qui sua virtute in altiorem locum pervenit—He is in my regard the most illustrious man who has risen by his own virtues.Cicero.

Is not belief the true God-announcing miracle?Novalis.

Is not cant the prima materia of the devil, from which all falsehoods, imbecilities, abominations body themselves, from which no true thing can come?Carlyle.

Is not light greater than fire? It is the same element in a state of purity.Carlyle.

Is not marriage an open question when it is alleged, from the beginning of the world, that such as are in the institution wish to get out, and such as are out wish to get in?Emerson.

Is not shame the soil of all virtue, of all good manners and good morals?Carlyle.

Is ordo vitio careto, cæteris specimen esto—Let this class (viz. the nobility of Rome) be free from vice and a pattern to the rest.The Twelve Tables.

Is sapiens qui se ad casus accommodet omnes; / Stultus pugnat in adversis ire natator aquis—He is a wise man who adapts himself to all contingencies; the fool struggles like a swimmer against the stream.

Is that a wonder which happens in two hours; and does it cease to be wonderful if happening in two millions?Carlyle.

Is the God present, felt in my own heart, a thing which Herr von Voltaire will dispute out of me or dispute into me? To the “worship of sorrow” (Christianity) ascribe what origin and genesis thou pleasest, has not that worship originated and been generated; is it not here? Feel it in thy heart and then say whether it is of God!Carlyle.

Is the jay more precious than the lark because his feathers are more beautiful?Tam. of Shrew, iv. 3.

Is there anything of its own nature beautiful or not beautiful? The beauty of a thing is even that by which it shineth.Hitopadesa.

Is there evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?Bible.

Is there for honest poverty / That hangs his head, and a’ that? / The coward slave we pass him by, / We dare be poor for a’ that.Burns.

Is there no God, then? but at best an absentee God, sitting idle, ever since the first Sabbath, at the outside of His universe, and seeing it go?Carlyle.

Is there no stoning save with flint and rock?Tennyson.

Is there no way to bring home a wandering sheep but by worrying him to death?Thomas Fuller.

Is this a dagger which I see before me, / The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.Macbeth, ii. 1.

Is thy complexion sour? / Then keep such company.Herbert.

Is your trumpeter dead, that you are obliged to praise yourself?Proverb.

Isaac’s fond blessing may not fall on scorn, / Nor Balaam’s curse on love which God hath blest.Keble.

Island ez hinn besta haud sun solinn shinnar uppà—Iceland is the best land on which the sun shines.Icelandic Proverb.

Isolation is the sum-total of wretchedness to a man.Carlyle.

Ist’s Gottes Werk, so wird’s besteh’n / Ist’s Menschenwerk, wird’s untergeh’n—If it be God’s work, it will stand; if man’s, it will perish.

Ista decens facies longis vitiabitur annis; / Rugaque in antiqua fronte senilis erit—That comely face of thine will be marred by length of years, and the wrinkle of age will one day scar thine aged brow.Ovid.

Istæc in me cudetur faba—I shall have to smart for it (lit. that bean will hit me).Terence.

Istuc est sapere, non quod ante pedes modo est / Videre, sed etiam illa quæ futura sunt / Prospicere—That is wisdom, not merely to see what is immediately before one’s eyes, but to forecast what is going to happen.Terence.

Istuc est sapere, qui, ubicunque opus sit, animum possis flectere—You are a wise man if you can easily direct your attention to whatever I may require it.Terence.

It (love) adds a precious seeing to the eye.Love’s L’s. Lost, iv. 3.

It belongs to great men to have great defects.French Proverb.

It can do us no harm to look at what is extraordinary with our own eyes.Goethe.

It chanceth in an hour that cometh not in seven years.Proverb.

It costs more to revenge injuries than to bear them.Proverb.

It dawns no sooner for one’s early rising.Portuguese Proverb.

It exalteth a man from earthly things to love those that are heavenly.Thomas à Kempis.

It happens as with cages, the birds without despair to get in, and those within despair of getting out.Montaigne.

It happens to men of learning as to ears of corn; they shoot up and raise their heads high while they are empty; but when full and swelled with grain, they begin to flag and droop. (?)

It has been well said that our anxiety does not empty to-morrow of its sorrows, but only empties to-day of its strength.Spurgeon.

It is a bad trade that of censor; he is sure to incur the hatred of those he censures, without finding them improved by the correction.Guy Patin.

It is a beautiful trait in the lover’s character, that he thinks no evil of the object loved.Longfellow.

It is a beggarly conception to judge as if poetry should always be capable of a prose rendering.John Morley.

It is a brave act of valour to contemn death; but when life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valour to dare to live.Sir Thomas Browne.

It is a characteristic of true genius to disturb all settled ideas.Goethe.

It is a clear gain to sacrifice pleasure in order to avoid pain.Schopenhauer.

It is a common error to think that in politics legislation is everything and administration nothing.Macaulay.

It is a common failing of old men to attribute all wisdom to themselves.Fielding.

It is a common law of Nature, which no time will ever change, that superiors shall rule their inferiors.Dionysius.

It is a custom / More honoured in the breach than the observance.Hamlet, i. 4.

It is a damnable audacity to bring forth that torturing Cross, and the Holy One who suffers on it, and to expose them to the light of the sun, which hid its face when a reckless world forced such a sight on it; to take these mysterious secrets, in which the divine depth of sorrow lies hid, and play with them, fondle them, trick them out, and rest not till the most reverend of all solemnities appears vulgar and paltry.Goethe.

It is a delusion (Wahn) to suppose that adversity (Unglück) makes man better. As well believe that the rust makes the knife sharp, dirt promotes purity, and mud clarifies the stream.Bodenstedt.

“It is a devout imagination.”The Regent Murray’s answer to John Knox’s proposal to conserve the property of the Church for the spiritual benefit of the lieges.

It is a fair and holy office to be a prophet of Nature.Novalis.

It is a fine thing to command, though it were but a herd of cattle.Cervantes.

It is a foul bird that dirties its own nest.Proverb.

It is a golden rule not to judge men according to their opinions, but according to the effect these opinions have on their character.Lichtenberg.

It is a good divine that follows his own instructions.Mer. of Ven., i. 2.

It is a good horse that never stumbles, and a good wife that never grumbles.Proverb.

It is a good thing to stay away till one’s company is desired, but not so good to stay after it is desired.Johnson.

It is a grave offence to bind a Roman citizen, a crime to flog him, almost the act of a parricide to put him to death; what shall I call crucifying him? Language worthy of such an enormity it is impossible to find.Cicero.

It is a great ease to have one in our own shape a species below us, and who, without being enlisted in our service, is by nature of our retinue.Steele.

It is a great journey to life’s end.Proverb.

It is a great misfortune not to possess talent enough to speak well, or sense enough to hold one’s tongue.La Bruyère.

It is a great mistake to think that because you have read a masterpiece once or twice or ten times, therefore you have done with it…. You ought to live with it and make it part of your daily life.John Morley.

It is a great piece of folly to sacrifice the inner for the outer man.Schopenhauer.

It is a great pity when the man who should be the head figure is a mere figure-head.Spurgeon.

It is a great point of wisdom to find out one’s own folly.Proverb.

It is a great shame to a man to have a poor heart and a rich purse.Cato.

It is a great sin to swear unto a sin, / But a greater still to keep a sinful oath.2 Henry VI., v. 1.

It is a great step in finesse to make people under-estimate your acuteness.La Bruyère.

It is a hard winter when one wolf eats another.Proverb.

It is a kindly spirit which actually constitutes the human element in man.Schiller.

It is a long lane that has no turning.Proverb.

It is a long way from granite to the oyster; farther yet to Plato, and the preaching of the immortality of the soul.Emerson.

It is a low benefit to give me something; it is a high benefit to enable me to do somewhat of myself.Emerson.

It is a lucky eel that escapes skinning.George Eliot.

It is a main lesson of wisdom to know your own from another’s.Emerson.

It is a man’s sincerity and depth of vision that makes him a poet.Carlyle.

It is a mathematical fact that the casting of a pebble from my hand alters the centre of gravity of the universe.Carlyle.

It is a maxim of those who are esteemed perfect, that abundance is the perverter of reason.Hitopadesa.

It is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends, without which the world is but a wilderness.Bacon.

It is a moral impossibility that any son or daughter of Adam can stand on any ground that mortal treads, and gainsay the healthy tenure on which we hold our existence.Dickens.

It is a poor art that the artisan can’t live by.Italian Proverb.

It is a poor heart that never rejoices.Proverb.

It is a poor horse that is not worth its oats.Danish Proverb.

It is a poor mouse that has but one hole.Proverb.

It is a poor sport that is not worth the candle.George Herbert.

It is a profound error to presume that everything has been discovered; it is to take the horizon which bounds the eye for the limit of the world.Lemierre.

It is a proof of mediocrity of intellect to be addicted to relating stories.La Bruyère.

It is a rare thing, except it be from a perfect and entire friend, to have counsel given us, but such as shall be bowed and crooked to some ends which he hath that giveth it.Bacon.

It is a reproach to be the first gentleman of one’s race, but greater to be the last.Proverb.

It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.Proverb.

It is a shame for a man to desire honour because of his ancestors, and not to deserve it by his own virtue.St. Chrysostom.

It is a sign that your reputation is small or sinking if your own tongue must praise you.Judge Hale.

It is a sin against hospitality to open your doors and shut up your countenance.Proverb.

It is a small virtue to keep silence on matters, but a grave fault to speak of what should be kept silent.Ovid.

It is a sorry goose that will not baste itself.Proverb.

It is a strange habit of wise humanity to speak in enigmas only.Ruskin.

It is a universal weakness of human nature to have an inordinate faith in things unseen and unknown, and to be affected unduly by them.Cæsar.

It is a very good world to live in, / To lend, or to spend, or to give in; / But to beg, or to borrow, or to get a man’s own, / It is the very worst world that ever was known.Rochester.

It is a very risky, nay, a fatal thing, to be sociable.Schiller.

It is a virtue in hermits to forgive their enemies as well as their friends; but it is a fault in princes to show clemency towards those who are guilty.Hitopadesa.

It is a wise father that knows his own child.Mer. of Ven., ii. 2.

It is absurd to contend for any sense of words in opposition to usage; for all senses are founded upon usage, and upon nothing else.Paley.

It is advisable that a man should know at least three things:—first, where he is; secondly, where he is going; thirdly, what he had best do under the circumstances.Ruskin.

It is all in my eye, i.e., it is nowhere else.Proverb.

It is allowed by the laws of war to deceive an enemy by feints, false colours, spies, false intelligence, or the like; but by no means in treaties, truces, signals of capitulation or surrender.Paley.

It is always an ease, and sometimes a happiness, to have nothing.Joseph Hall.

It is always by adventurers that great deeds are done, and not by the sovereigns of great empires.

It is always good when a man has two irons in the fire.F. Beaumont.

It is always necessary to show some good opinion of those whose good opinion we solicit.Johnson.

It is always term time in the court of conscience.Proverb.

It is always the individual, not the age, that stands up for the truth.Goethe.

It is always vitally important to ourselves to be scrupulously true.Spurgeon.

It is an argument of great wisdom to do nothing rashly, nor to be obstinate and inflexible in our opinions.Thomas à Kempis.

It is an assured sign of a worthy and generous spirit whom honour amends; for honour is, or should be, the place of virtue.Bacon.

It is an egregious error to go by the exception instead of the rule.Pascal.

It is an equal failing to trust everybody and to trust nobody.Proverb.