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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

Sae rantingly to Secrets travel

Sae rantingly, sae wantonly, / Sae dauntingly gaed he; / He play’d a spring, and danced it round, / Beneath the gallows-tree.Burns.

Säen ist nicht so beschwerlich als ernten—Sowing is not so difficult as reaping.Goethe.

Sæpe decipimur specie recti—We are often misled by the appearance of truth.Horace.

Sæpe est etiam sub palliolo sordido sapientia—Wisdom is often found even under a shabby coat.Proverb.

Sæpe Faunorum voces exauditæ, / Sæpe visæ formæ deorum—Voices of Fauns are often heard, and shapes of gods often seen.

Sæpe in conjugiis fit noxia, cum nimia est dos—Quarrels often arise in marriages when the dowry is excessive.Ausonius.

Sæpe ingenia calamitate intercidunt—Genius often goes to waste through misfortune.Phædrus.

Sæpe nihil inimicus homini quam sibi ipse—Often a man is his own worst enemy.Cicero.

Sæpe premente Deo, fert Deus alter opem—Often when we are oppressed by one deity, another comes to our help.

Sæpe stylum vertas, iterum quæ digna legi sint / Scripturus; neque, te ut miretur turba, labores / Contentus paucis lectoribus—You must often make erasures if you mean to write what is worthy of being read a second time; and labour not for the admiration of the crowd, but be content with a few choice readers.Horace.

Sæpe summa ingenia in occulto latent—The greatest talents often lie buried out of sight.Plautus.

Sæpe tacens vocem verbaque vultus habet—Often a silent countenance is expressive (lit. has a voice and speaks).Ovid.

Sæpe via obliqua præstat quam tendere recta—It is often better to go the circuitous way than the direct one.

Sæpius ventis agitatur ingens / Pinus, et celsæ graviore casu / Decidunt turres, feriuntque summos / Fulmina montes—The huge pine is more frequently shaken by the winds, high towers fall with a heavier crash, and it is the mountain-tops that the thunderbolts strike.Horace.

Sæva paupertas, et avitus apto cum lare fundus—Stern poverty, and an ancestral piece of land with a dwelling to match.Horace.

Sævi inter se conveniunt ursi—Even savage bears agree among themselves.Juvenal.

Sævis tranquillus in undis—Calm in the raging waters.Motto of William I. of Orange.

Safe bind, safe find.Proverb.

Sag’ eine Lüge, so hörst du die Wahrheit—Tell a lie, you will then hear the truth.German Proverb.

Sahest du nie die Schönheit im Augenblicke des Leidens, / Niemals hast du die Schönheit gesehn. / Sahest du die Freude nie in einem schönen Gesichte, / Niemals hast du die Freude gesehn—If thou hast never seen beauty in the moment of suffering, thou hast never seen beauty at all. If thou hast never seen joy in a beautiful countenance, thou hast never seen joy at all.Schiller.

Said will be a little ahead, but Done should follow at his heel.Spurgeon.

Saint cannot, if God will not.French Proverb.

Saints are sad, because they behold sin (even when they speculate) from the point of view of the conscience, and not of the intellect.Emerson.

Sal atticum—Attic salt; wit.

Sal sapit omnia—Salt seasons everything.Motto.

Salle-à-manger—A dining-room.French.

Salon—A drawing-room; a picture gallery or exhibition.French.

Salt and bread make the cheeks red.German Proverb.

Salt is good, but if the salt have lost its savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned? It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out.Jesus.

Salt is white and pure; there is something holy in salt.Hawthorne.

Salt spilt is never all gathered up.Spanish and Portuguese Proverb.

Saltabat elegantius, quam necesse est probæ—She danced more daintily than a virtuous woman should.Sallust, of Sempronia.

Salus per Christum redemptorem—Salvation through Christ the Redeemer.Motto.

Salus populi suprema est lex—The well-being of the people is the supreme law.Law.

Salute thyself: see what thy soul doth wear. / Dare to look in thy chest, for ’tis thine own, / And tumble up and down what thou find’st there.George Herbert.

Salva conscientia—Without compromise of conscience.

Salva dignitate—Without compromising one’s dignity.

Salva fide—Without breaking one’s word.

Salve, magna parens—Hail! thou great parent!Virgil.

Salvo jure—Saving the right.

Salvo ordine—Without dishonour to one’s order.

Salvo pudore—With a proper regard to decency.

Sameness is the mother of disgust, variety the cure.Petrarch.

Sammle dich zu jeglichem Geschafte, / Nie zersplittre deine Kräfte—Gather thyself up for every task, never dissipate (lit. split up) thy powers.Bodenstedt.

Samson was a strong man, but he could not pay money before he got it.German Proverb.

Sanan llagas, y no malas palabras—Wounds heal, but not ill words.Spanish Proverb.

Sands form the mountains, moments make the year.Young.

Sane baro—A baron indeed.Motto.

Sang-froid—Indifference; apathy; coolness.French.

Sanno più un savio ed un matto che un savio solo—A wise man and a fool know more than a wise man alone.Italian Proverb.

Sans changer—Without changing.French.

Sans Dieu rien—Nothing without God.French.

Sans façon—Without ceremony.French.

Sans le goût, le génie n’est qu’une sublime folie. Ce toucher sûr par qui la lyre ne rend que le son qu’elle doit rendre, est encore plus rare que la faculté qui crée—Without taste genius is only a sublime kind of folly. That sure touch by which the lyre gives back the right note and nothing more, is even a rarer gift than the creative faculty itself.Chateaubriand.

Sans les femmes les deux extrémités de la vie seroient sans secours, et le milieu sans plaisir—Without woman the two extremities of life would be destitute of succour, and the middle without pleasure.French.

Sans peur et sans reproche—Fearless and blameless.Surname of the Chevalier Bayard.

Sans phrase—Without phrase; without amplification; simply.French.

Sans Souci—“No bother” here.Name given by Frederick the Great to his country-house at Potsdam.

Sans tache—Without stain.Motto.

Sanctio justa, jubens honesta, et prohibens contraria—A just decree, enforcing what is honourable and forbidding the contrary.Bracton.

Sanctum est vetus omne poema—Every old poem is sacred.Horace.

Sic vos non vobis—Thus do ye labour not for yourselves.Virgil.

Sanctum sanctorum—Holy of holies; a study; a private room.

Sanctus haberi / Justitiæque tenax, factis dictisque mereris? / Agnosco procerem—If you deserve to be held a man without blame, and tenacious of justice both in word and deed, then I recognise in you the nobleman.Juvenal.

Sapere aude—Dare to be wise.Motto.

Sapere isthac ætate oportet, qui sunt capite candido—They who have grey heads are old enough to be wise.Plautus.

Sapiens dominabitur astris—A wise man will lord it over the stars.Proverb.

Sapiens nihil facit invitus; nihil dolens, nihil coactus—A wise man does nothing against his will, nothing with repining or under coercion.Cicero.

Sapiens qui prospicit—He is wise who looks ahead.Motto.

Sapientem pascere barbam—To cultivate a philosophic beard.Horace.

Sapienti sat—Enough for a wise man.Plautus.

Sapientissimus in septem—The wisest of the seven, viz., Thales.Cicero.

Sapientum octavus—The eighth of the wise men.Horace.

Sapping a solemn creed with solemn sneer.Byron.

Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the devil.Carlyle.

Sarcasm poisons reproof.B. Wigglesworth.

Sardonicus risus—A sardonic laugh; a forced ironical laugh.

Sartor resartus—The tailor patched.

Sat cito si sat bene—Quick enough, if well enough.Cato.

Sat pulchra, si sat bona—Fair enough, if good enough.

Satan finds some mischief still / For idle hands to do.Watts.

Satan’s friendship reaches to the prison door.Proverb.

Satan himself is now transformed into an angel of light.St. Paul.

Satan now is wiser than of yore, / And tempts by making rich, not making poor.Pope.

Satan trembles when he sees / The weakest saint upon his knees.Cowper.

Satiety comes of riches, and contumaciousness of satiety.Solon.

Satire has a power of fascination that no other written thing possesses.S. Lane-Poole.

Satire is a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own.Swift.

Satire should, like a polished razor keen, / Wound with a touch that is scarcely seen.Lady M. Montagu.

Satires run faster than panegyrics.Proverb.

Satis diu vel naturæ vel gloriæ—Long enough for the demands both of nature or of glory.

Satis eloquentiæ, sapientiæ parum—Fine talk enough, but little wisdom.Sallust.

Satis est orare Jovem, quæ donat et aufert; / Det vitam, det opes, æquum mi animum ipse parabo—It is enough to pray to Jove for those things which he gives and takes away; let him grant life, let him grant wealth; I myself will provide myself with a well-poised mind.Horace.

Satis quod sufficit—Enough is as good as a feast (lit. what suffices is enough).

Satis superque est—Enough, and more than enough.

Satis superque me benignitas tua / Ditavit—Your bounty has enriched me enough, and more than enough.Horace.

Satis verborum—Enough of words.

Satis vixi; invictus enim morior—I have lived enough; I die unvanquished.Epaminondas in Cornelius Nepos.

Satisfaction consists in freedom from pain, which is the positive element of existence.Schopenhauer.

Satius est recurrere, quam currere male—It is better to run back than run on the wrong way.Proverb.

Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.Proverb.

Saucius ejurat pugnam gladiator, et idem / Immemor antiqui vulneris arma capit—The wounded gladiator forswears fighting, and yet, forgetful of his former wound, he takes up arms again.

Säume nicht, dich zu erdreisten, / Wenn die Menge zaudernd schweift; / Alles kann der Edle leisten / Der versteht und rasch ergreift—If the mass of people hesitate to act, strike thou in swift with all boldness; the noble heart that understands and seizes quick hold of opportunity can achieve everything.Goethe.

Sauter du coq à l’âne!—To change the subject abruptly; to talk at cross purposes.

Sauve qui peut—Save himself who can.

Save a man from his friends, and leave him to struggle with his enemies. (?)

Save a thief from the gallows, and he’ll cut your throat.Proverb.

Save me, and hover o’er me with your wings, / You heavenly guards.Hamlet, iii. 4.

Save something for a sore foot.Proverb.

Savoir dissimuler est le savoir des rois—To know how to dissemble is the knowledge of kings.Richelieu.

Savoir-faire—Skill; tact.

Savoir-vivre—Good breeding; good manners.French.

Savor (desire) no more than thee behoven shall, / Rede well thyself that other folks can rede, / And truth thee shalt deliver—’tis no drede.Chaucer.

Say little and say well.Gaelic Proverb.

Say nay, and take it.Proverb.

Say no ill of the year till it be past.Proverb.

Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.Claudius.

Say not, I will do so to him as he hath done to me; I will render to the man according to his work.Bible.

Say not, / This with that lace will do well; / But, This with my discretion will be brave.George Herbert.

Say not to-morrow; the tongue’s slightest slip / Nemesis watches, ere it pass the lip.Antiphilus.

Say not, We will suffer, for that ye must: say rather, We will act, for that ye must not—(i.e., we are compelled to do the one, but not the other).Jean Paul.

Say nothing, and none can criticise thee.Spurgeon.

Say nothing good of yourself, yon will be distrusted; say nothing bad of yourself, you wilt be taken at your word.Joseph Roux.

Say, O wise man, how thou hast come by such knowledge? Because I never was ashamed to confess my ignorance and ask others.Herder.

“Say well” is good, but “Do well” is better.Proverb.

Say well or be still.Proverb.

Say, what is taste, but the internal pow’rs / Active and strong, and feelingly alive / To each fine impulse?Akenside.

Saying and doing are two different things.Proverb.

Scald not thy lips with another man’s porridge.Proverb.

Scandal breeds hatred, hatred begets divisions, division makes faction, and faction brings ruin.Quarles.

Scandal ever improves by opposition.Goldsmith.

Scandal is the sport of its authors, the dread of fools, and the contempt of the wise.W. B. Clulow.

Scandal, like the Nile, is fed by innumerable streams, and it is extremely difficult to trace it to its source.Punch.

Scandal will not rub out like dirt when it is dry.Proverb.

Scandalum magnatum—An offence against the nobility or a person in high station.Law.

Scarcely anything is perfectly plain but what is also perfectly common.Carlyle.

Scarcely love’s utmost may in heaven be; / To hell it reacheth, so ’tis love at all.Louise S. Bevington.

Scarcely one man in a thousand is capable of tasting the happiness of others.Fielding.

Scarceness is what there is the biggest stock of in the country.George Eliot.

Scarceness o’ victual ’ull keep; there’s no need to be hasty wi’ the cooking.George Eliot.

Scatter with one hand, gather with two.Proverb.

Scelere velandum est scelus—One crime has to be concealed by another.Seneca.

Scepticism has never founded empires, established principles, or changed the world’s heart. The great doers in history have always been men of faith.Chapin.

Scepticism is not an end but a beginning, is as the decay of old ways of believing, the preparation afar off for new, wider, and better.Carlyle.

Scepticism is the attitude assumed by the student in relation to the particulars which society adores; but which he sees to be reverent only in their tendency and spirit.Emerson.

Scepticism is unbelief in cause and effect.Emerson.

Scepticism means not intellectual doubt alone, but moral doubt; all sorts of infidelity, insincerity, and spiritual paralysis.Carlyle.

Scepticism, with its innumerable mischiefs, what is it but the sour fruit of a most blessed increase, that of knowledge; a fruit, too, that will not always continue sour. (?)

Scepticism writing about belief may have great gifts; but it is really ultra vires there. It is blindness laying down the laws of optics.Carlyle.

Schadet ein Irrtum wohl? Nicht immer! aber das Irren / Immer schadet’s. Wie sehr, sieht man am Ende des Wegs—Does an error do harm you ask? Not always! but going wrong always does. How far we shall certainly find out at the end of the road.Goethe.

Schall und Rauch umnebeln Himmels-Gluth—Sound and smoke overclouding heaven’s splendour.Goethe.

Schäme dich deines Handwerks nicht—Think no shame of your craft.German Proverb.

Schärmerei—An enthusiasm with which one or a mass of people is infected.German.

Scheiden, ach Scheiden, Scheiden thut weh!—Parting, ah! parting; parting makes the heart ache.Herlossohn.

Scherze nicht mit Ernst—Jest not in earnest.Motto.

Schick dich in die Zeit—Adapt yourself to the times.German Proverb.

Schicksal und eigene Schuld—Fate and one’s own deservings.

Schlägt die Zeit dir manche Wunde, / Manche Freude bringt ihr Lauf; / Aber eine sel’ge Stunde / Wiegt ein Jahr von Schmerzen auf—If time inflicts on thee many a wound, many a joy brings it too in its course; and one short hour of bliss outweighs a year of pains.Geibel.

Schlägt dir die Hoffnung fehl, nie fehle dir das Hoffen! / Ein Thor ist zugethan, doch tausend sind dir offen—Though thou art disappointed in a hope, never let hope fail thee; though one door is shut, there are thousands still open for thee.Rückert.

Schlagt ihn tot den Hund! Er ist Rezensent—Strike the dog dead! it’s but a critic.Goethe.

Schlechtes sucht mit Gutem Streit—Bad keeps up a strife with good.Bodenstedt.

Schliesst eure Herzen sorgfältiger, als eure Thore—Be more careful to keep the doors of your heart shut than the doors of your house.Goethe.

Schmerz und Liebe ist des Menschen Teil / Der dem Weltgeschick nicht feig entwichen, / Zieht er aus dem Busen sich den Pfeil, / Ist er für die Welt und Gott verblichen—Pain and love are the portion of the man who does not like a coward shirk the world’s destiny; if he plucks the arrow from his breast, he becomes as one dead for the world and God.N. Lenau.

Scholars are frequently to be met with who are ignorant of nothing saving their own ignorance.Zimmermann.

Scholarship, save by accident, is never the measure of a man’s power.J. G. Holland.

Schön ist der Friede! Ein lieblicher Knabe / Liegt er gelagert am ruhigen Bach … / Aber der Krieg auch hat seine Ehre, / Der Beweger des Menschensgeschicks—Beautiful is Peace! A lovely boy lies he reclining by a quiet rill. But war too has its honour, the promoter as it is of the destiny of man.Schiller.

Schön sind die Rosen eurer Jugend; / Allein die Zeit zerstöret sie. / Nur die Talente, nur die Tugend / Veralten nicht und sterben nie—Beautiful are the roses of your youth; but time destroys them; only talents, only virtue age not and never die.Pfeffel.

Schöne Blumen stehen nicht lange am Wege—Fair flowers are not left standing long by the wayside.German Proverb.

Schönheit bändigt allen Zorn—Beauty allays all angry feeling.Goethe.

Schrecklich blicket ein Gott, da wo Sterbliche weinen—Dreadful looks a God, where mortals weep.Goethe.

Schuim is geen bier—Froth is no beer.Dutch Proverb.

Schweig, oder rede etwas, das ist besser denn Schweigen—Be silent, or say something that is better than silence.German Proverb.

Schweigen ist das Heiligthum der Klugheit. Es birgt nicht bloss Geheimnisse, sondern auch Fehler—Silence is the sanctuary of prudence. It conceals not merely secrets, but blemishes.Zachariae.

Schweigen können zeugt von Kraft, schweigen wollen von Nachsicht, schweigen müssen vom Geist der Zeit—To be able to be silent testifies of power, to will to be silent of indulgence, to be obliged to be silent of the spirit of the time.C. J. Weber.

Schwer ist es, aus dem Geschrei erhitzter Parteien die Stimme der Wahrheit zu unterscheiden—It is difficult to discriminate the voice of truth from amid the clamour raised by heated partisans.Schiller.

Science always goes abreast with the just elevation of the man, keeping step with religion and metaphysics; or, the state of science is an index of our self-knowledge.Emerson.

Science corrects the old creeds … and necessitates a faith commensurate with the grander orbits and universal laws which it discloses.Emerson.

Science deals exclusively with things as they are in themselves.Ruskin.

Science dissects death.F. W. Robertson.

Science does not know its debt to imagination.Emerson.

Science falsely so called.St. Paul.

Science must have originated in the feeling of something being wrong.Carlyle.

Science has been seriously retarded by the study of what is not worth knowing and of what is not knowable.Goethe.

Science has done much for us; but it is a poor science that would hide from us the great deep sacred infinitude of Nescience, on which all science swims as a mere superficial film.Carlyle.

Science has not solved difficulties, only shifted the points of difficulty.C. H. Parkhurst.

Science is a first-rate piece of furniture for a man’s upper chamber if he has common-sense on the ground-floor. But if a man has not got plenty of good common-sense, the more science he has the worse for his patient.Holmes.

Science is an ocean. It is as open to the cockboat as the frigate. One man carries across it a freightage of ingots, another may fish there for herrings.Bulwer Lytton.

Science is busy with the hither-end of things, not the thither-end.C. H. Parkhurst.

Science / Is but an exchange of ignorance for that / Which is another kind of ignorance.Byron.

Science is for those who learn, poetry for those who know.J. Roux.

Science is nothing but trained and organised common sense.Huxley.

Science is teaching man to know and reverence truth, and to believe that only so far as he knows and loves it can he live worthily on earth, and vindicate the dignity of his spirit.Moses Harvey.

Science is the knowledge of constant things, not merely of passing events, and is properly less the knowledge of general laws than of existing facts.Ruskin.

Science is the systematic classification of experience.G. H. Lewes.

Science lives only in quiet places, and with odd people, mostly poor.Ruskin.

Science rests on reason and experiment, and can meet an opponent with calmness; (but) a creed is always sensitive.Froude.

Science sees signs; Poetry, the thing signified.Hare.

Scientia nihil aliud est quam veritatis imago—Science is but an image of the truth.Bacon.

Scientia popinæ—The art of cookery.

Scientia quæ est remota a justitia, calliditas potius quam sapientia est appellanda—Knowledge which is divorced from justice may be called cunning rather than wisdom.Cicero.

Scientific, like spiritual truth, has ever from the beginning been descending from heaven to man.Disraeli.

Scientific truth is marvellous, but moral truth is divine; and whoever breathes its air and walks by its light has found the lost paradise.Horace Mann.

Scilicet expectes, ut tradet mater honestos / Atque alios mores, quam quos habet?—Can you expect that the mother will teach good morals or others than her own.Juvenal.

Scinditur incertum studia in contraria vulgus—The wavering multitude is divided into opposite factions.Virgil.

Scio cui credidi—I know in whom I have believed.Motto.

Scio: tu coactus tua voluntate es—I know it; you are constrained by your inclination.Terence.

Scire facias—Cause it to be known.Law.

Scire potestates herbarum usumque medendi—To know the virtues of herbs and their use in healing.Virgil.

Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter—It is nothing for you to know a thing unless another knows that you know it.Persius.

Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est—To know where you can find a thing is the chief part of learning.

Scire volunt omnes, mercedem solvere nemo—All would like to know, but few to pay the price.Juvenal.

Scire volunt secreta domus, atque inde timeri—They wish to know of the family secrets, and so to be feared.Juvenal.

Scit genius, natale comes qui temperet astrum—The genius, our companion, who rules our natal star, knows.Horace.

Scoglio immoto contro le onde sta—He stands like a rock unmoved against the waves.Motto.

Scorn no man’s love, though of a mean degree; / Love is a present for a mighty king,— / Much less make any one thine enemy. / As guns destroy, so may a little sling.George Herbert.

Scorn to trample upon a worm or to sneak to be an emperor.Saadi.

Scorn’d, to be scorn’d by one that I scorn, / Is that a matter to make me fret? / That a calamity hard to be borne?Tennyson.

Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled, / Scots, wham Bruce has aften led, / Welcome to your gory bed, / Or to victory! / Now’s the day and now’s the hour; / See the front o’ battle lour; / See approach proud Edward’s power, / Chains and slavery.Burns.

Scotsmen reckon ay frae an ill hour.Proverb.

Screw not the chord too sharply lest it snap.Proverb.

Screw your courage to the sticking-place, / And we’ll not fail.Macbeth, i. 7.

Scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons—Good sense is both the first principle and parent-source of good writing.Horace.

Scribere scientes—Knowing, or skilled, in writing.Motto.

Scribimus indocti doctique—All of us, unlearned and learned, alike take to writing.Horace.

Scripture, like Nature, lays down no definitions.Spinoza.

Scruples, temptations, and fears, and cutting perplexities of heart, are frequently the lot of the most excellent persons.Thomas à Kempis.

Sculpture and painting have an effect to teach us manners and abolish hurry.Emerson.

Sculpture is not the mere cutting of the form of anything in stone; it is the cutting of the effect of it. Very often the true form, in the marble, would not be in the least like itself.Ruskin.

Sculpture, the tongue on the balance of expression.Quoted by Emerson.

S’échauffer au dépens du bon Dieu—To warm one’s self in the sun (lit. at the expense of the good god).Motto.

Se a ciascuno l’interno affanno / Si leggesse in fronte scritto, / Quanti mai che invidia fanno / Ci farebbero pietà!—If the secret sorrows of every one could be read on his forehead, how many who now excite envy would become objects of pity!Italian.

Se il giovane sapesse, se il vecchio potesse, e’ non c’ è cosa che non si facesse—If the young knew, and the old could, there is nothing which would not be done.Italian Proverb.

Se’l sol mi splende, non curo la luna—If the sun shines on me, I care not for the moon.Italian Proverb.

Se la moglie pecca, non è il marito innocente—If the wife sins, the husband is not innocent.Italian Proverb.

Se laisser prendre aux apparences—To let one’s self be imposed on by appearances.French Proverb.

Se moquer de la philosophie, c’est vraiment philosopher—To jest at the expense of philosophy is truly to philosophise.Pascal.

Se non è vero, è ben trovato—If it is not true, it is cleverly invented.Italian Proverb.

Se retirer dans un fromage de Hollande—To retire into a Dutch cheese, i.e., to be contented.La Fontaine.

Se tu segui tua stella—Follow thou thy own star.Dante.

Sea Islanders; but a real human heart, with Divine love in it, beats with the same glow under all the patterns of all earth’s thousand tribes.Holmes.

Sea things that be / On the hot sand fainting long, / Revive with the kiss of the sea.Lewis Morris.

Seamen have a custom when they meet a whale to fling out an empty tub by way of amusement, to divert him from laying violent hands upon the ship.Swift.

Search not to find what lies too deeply hid; / Nor to know things whose knowledge is forbid.Denham.

Search others for their virtues, and thyself for thy vices.Fuller.

Searching of thy wound, I have by hard adventure found my own.As You Like It, ii. 4.

Second thoughts, they say, are best.Dryden.

Secrecy has many advantages, for when you tell a man at once and straightforward the purpose of any object, he fancies there’s nothing in it.Goethe.

Secrecy is best taught by commencing with ourselves.Chamfort.

Secrecy is the chastity of friendship.Jeremy Taylor.

Secrecy is the element of all goodness; even virtue, even beauty is mysterious.Carlyle.

Secrecy is the soul of all great designs.Quoted by Colton.

Secrecy of design, when combined with rapidity of execution, like the column that guided Israel in the desert, becomes the guardian pillar of light and fire to our friends, and a cloud of overwhelming and impenetrable darkness to our enemies.Colton.

Secret et hardi—Secret and bold.Motto.

Secreta hæc murmura vulgi—Those secret whisperings of the populace.Juvenal.

Secrete amicus admone, lauda palam—Advise your friends in private, praise them openly.Publius Syrus.

Secrets make a dungeon of the heart and a jailer of its owner.American Proverb.

Secrets travel fast in Paris.Napoleon.