
C.N. Douglas, comp. Forty Thousand Quotations: Prose and Poetical. 1917.


A great mind will neither give an affront nor bear it.

Henry Home.

Magnanimity is above circumstance; and any virtue which depends on that is more of constitution than of principle.

Jane Porter.

Of all virtues, magnanimity is the rarest. There are a hundred persons of merit for one who willingly acknowledges it in another.


Magnanimity is sufficiently defined by its name, nevertheless one can say it is the good sense of pride, the most noble way of receiving praise.

La Rochefoucauld.

A brave man thinks no one his superior who does him an injury; for he has it then in his power to make himself superior to the other by forgiving it.

Alexander Pope.

If you desire to be magnanimous, undertake nothing rashly, and fear nothing thou undertakest; fear nothing but infamy; dare anything but injury; the measure of magnanimity is neither to be rash nor timorous.
