
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  Sonnet IX. Reign in my thoughts! fair hand! sweet eye! rare voice!

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.

Sonnets after Astrophel, etc.

Sonnet IX. Reign in my thoughts! fair hand! sweet eye! rare voice!

Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)

REIGN in my thoughts! fair hand! sweet eye! rare voice!

Possess me whole, my heart’s Triumvirate!

Yet heavy heart! to make so hard a choice

Of such as spoil thy whole afflicted state.

For whilst they strive which shall be Lord of all,

All my poor life by them is trodden down:

They all erect their triumphs on my fall,

And yield me nought; who gains them there renown.

When back I look, and sigh my freedom past,

And wail the state wherein I present stand,

And see my fortune ever like to last:

Finding me reined with such a cruel hand,

What can I do but yield? and yield I do;

And serve them all, and yet they spoil me too!