
Home  »  Respectfully Quoted  »  Nicholas Longworth (1869–1931)

Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.

NUMBER: 2008
AUTHOR: Nicholas Longworth (1869–1931)
QUOTATION: An incautious congressman playfully ran his hand over Nick’s shiny scalp and commented, “It feels just like my wife’s backside.” Nick instantly repeated the gesture. “So it does,” he replied.
ATTRIBUTION: Representative NICHOLAS LONGWORTH.—This episode was recounted in James Brough, Princess Alice, p. 273 (1975). A slightly different version is repeated in an article by E. Raymond Lewis in Capitol Studies, fall 1975, p. 125, and still later in R. B. and L. V. Cheney, Kings of the Hill, p. 157 (1983).