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Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.

AUTHOR: Ulysses Simpson Grant (1822–85)
QUOTATION: Let no guilty man escape if it can be avoided. Be specially vigilant—or instruct those engaged in the prosecution of fraud to be—against all who insinuate that they have high influence to protect—or to protect them. No personal consideration should stand in the way of performing a public duty.
ATTRIBUTION: President ULYSSES S. GRANT, endorsement added to letter received July 29, 1875.

The exposure of the Whisky Ring, a secret association of distillers and federal officials defrauding the government, was a major scandal in 1875. W. D. W. Barnard, a St. Louis banker, wrote to Grant that officials in St. Louis claimed Grant would sustain them to protect Orville Babcock, his private secretary. Grant added the above endorsement and referred the letter to Benjamin H. Bristow, secretary of the treasury, who led the efforts to expose the ring.—Louis A. Coolidge, Ulysses S. Grant, p. 479 (1922). Also see John A. Carpenter, Ulysses S. Grant, p. 150 and p. 196, note 5 (1970).