Final Project



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Dec 6, 2023





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7-1 FINAL PROJECT For my project I chose a news article about astronomers discovering a new link between dark matter and the clumpiness of the universe. Researchers recently revealed a theoretical breakthrough that could explain both the nature of invisible dark matter and the large-scale structure of our universe. This is also known as the cosmic web. The results have established a new link between the two longstanding problems in astronomy, opening new possibilities for understanding the cosmos. I am an avid fan of anything about astrology. However, I have not researched this subject yet. I am interested in further expanding my knowledge on exactly how axions, dark matter, and light make such a difference in space. I am also interested in learning exactly how dark matter is so important to the makeup of the universe. Further research on this subject will allow us to understand the origin of the universe, its evolution and determine its future. Studying dark matter can bring completely new knowledge and concepts to light that we had no idea about. Dark matter is constructed out of particles that do not draw in, mirror, or release light. Therefore, they cannot be seen directly or be detected by
observing electromagnetic radiation. Scientists know that dark matter exists because of the effect it has on objects that can be observed directly. To study dark matter more thoroughly, researchers use large, sensitive detectors located deep underground to directly search for the particles that may continually pass through Earth. Researchers can also detect dark matter indirectly through signatures in cosmic and gamma rays. In this article Toronto Scientists examined the remnants of light from the Big Bang, that are known as background microwave radiation. Next, they used a sky survey known as the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS); it contains data on the exact location of about a million galaxies. Finally, they modeled what the distribution of galaxies and the relic radiation would be like if dark matter consisted of exceptionally light particles, which corresponded to extremely long waves, and they completely coincided with what the observers saw. This is what we would observe if dark matter consisted of axions. Physicists describe these particles as “fuzzy” since they exhibit wave properties much more than other “units of matter.” The waves that correspond to them may have a length comparable to the size of galaxies, and this may explain why the Universe is so uniform. ( Burlaka 2023). While researching this subject further, I had a couple questions based on what I already knew and what I wanted to learn more of. The first question that came to mind was, “ How do scientists observe the effects of dark matter other than seeing that the expansion of the universe is
accelerating?” The second question I had was “If dark matter is invisible, how do we really know it even exists in the universe?” The former is the question I decided to choose for expanding my knowledge in this project to the fullest. I quite frequently follow updated news of everything in outer space exploration, so the choice to research the subject for this term was an easy one. The benefits of space exploration far outweigh the dangers of it. I am always curious to learn about the new ways scientists further develop technology to observe the Universe. This growing industry is utilizing emerging technologies, including 5G advanced satellite systems, 3D printing, big data, and quantum computing to upgrade operations in space. I have so many questions about both dark matter and energy when it comes to space exploration, because those two things are so hard to measure since they are invisible. Understanding the nature of dark matter is one of the most pressing fundamental questions and key to understanding the origin and future of the universe. The group of Toronto Scientists studying this subject were led by a man named, Keir K. Rogers. "We have the tools now that could enable us to finally understand something experimentally about the century-old mystery of dark matter, even in the next decade or so -- and that could give us hints to answers about even bigger theoretical questions," says Rogers. "The hope is that the puzzling elements of the universe are solvable."
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