Week 4 HW



Park University *

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Dec 6, 2023





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1. Explain the four roles that DNA plays in cells? How are these roles influenced by DNA’s structure? Be sure you demonstrate your understanding of DNA’s structure in your answer. 1. Replication: means that DNA is able to create a copy from the original. 2. Transcription: is the process allows DNA to encode genetic information. 3. Translation: this process demonstrates the control that DNA has on cells by passing on information and orders to be executed. 4. Mutagenesis: process in which DNA allows genetic stable changes that result in mutations. These roles are influenced by DNA structure because it demonstrates how the DNA chain of command functions and the roles that cells and DNA copies work together in each of the processes 2. Match the terms with the most suitable description. __ F ___ genetic code a. Examples of RNA processing __ C ___ promoter b. Sequence of three nucleotides that code for an amino acid. __ G ___ exon c. Location on DNA where RNA polymerase attaches. __ E ___ intron d. Sequence of three nucleotides that is complementary to a codon triplet. __ D ___ anticodon e. Portion of a gene that is excised from the RNA transcript. __ B ___ codon f. Rules that convert a nucleotide sequence into a protein. __ A ___ cap and tail g. Parts of a gene that are expressed. 3. Briefly explain the differences among messenger RNA, transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA in terms of the roles they play in transcription and translation and where they are found in the cell. The mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA are very different in their functions and role in the transcription and translation process. The mRNA is the messenger and it passes on genetic information from the DNA to the ribosome. The tRNA’s role is to carry the amino acids from the ribosome and work in protein synthesis. The rRNA allow sthe protein synthesis to occur by operating in the ribosome. All three of these RNA work in conjunction to make these processes possible.
4. Using the genetic code table (Fig 10.11 on p 180), take the following DNA sequence and complete the following: T A C C C C A T G T A A C A T A C C A C T Complementary DNA strand ATGGGTACATTGTATGGTGA mRNA strand UACCCCAUGUAACAUACCACU Amino acid sequence start-Gly-Tyr-lle-Val-Trp-stop 5. Part of the coding sequence of a gene produces an mRNA sequence of A U G A A G G C U C C U C C A A G C G G C DNA sequence TACTTCCGAGGAGGTTCGCCG Amino acid sequence start-Lys-Ala-Pro-Pro-Ser-Gly 6. Review pp 178-185 in your book and view the following animation. Then complete the following table. You may need to watch it the video more than once to catch the details. Genome British Columbia. 2007. Gene Expression Question Transcription Translation What is it, in brief? The transfer of genetic information from DNA into aa RNA Molecule The transfer of the information from RNA into a protein [[ Where does it occur in the cell? Nucleus Outside the nucleus through ribosomes in the cytoplasm attached to the rough ER What is the product? mRNA [[[[[[ Completed polypeptides Describe how the product is modified to reach its final form. Systematic removal of RNA sections not needed to code for the desired protein. Changes in configuration occurs including specific folding taking on a 3D shape required for functionally
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