


University of Nebraska, Omaha *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by HighnessMask8350 on coursehero.com

BIOL 3830 Pathogenic Microbiology Name____________________ Assignment 13: Respiratory infections Due by ___________ (8 pts) Attempt to the answer the questions for the following case studies in “The Microbe Files”. Identify the causative agent or disease for each case or the disease that is the topic of the case study. Case 4.1 Disease or causative agent: _______________________ Case 4.2 Disease or causative agent: _______________________ Case 4.3 Disease or causative agent: _______________________ Case 4.4 Disease or causative agent: _______________________ Case 4.5 Disease or causative agent: _______________________ Case 4.6 Disease or causative agent: _______________________ Case 4.7 Disease or causative agent: _______________________ Case 4.8 Disease or causative agent: _______________________ New terms Differential Diagnosis: list of diseases and conditions that could present with the symptoms present and thus would be the list of illnesses the doctor would need to consider and for which tests may be run When you have answered all the questions for the assigned case studies in The Microbe Files , you can turn in this sheet indicating that you have completed the assignment. Sign Name __________________________
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