quiz 1 (mass comm)



Glendale Community College *

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Feb 20, 2024





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quiz 1 questions & answers 1. The traditional high-low, hierarchical way of looking at culture, as represented by the Culture as Skyscraper illustration, is the most accurate way to look at and discuss culture today. a. False 2. The invention of the printing press had several consequences. Please select the consequences associated with the printing press. a. All answers are correct 3. The mass media have passed through the following five historical stages: oral, written, print, electronic, and digital. a. True 4. In a cultural approach to understanding mass communication, diverse audiences will interpret the same information in the same way as everyone else. a. False 5. Selective Exposure means that people tend to seek out messages that agree with what they already believe. a. True 6. Which of the following are examples of narratives? (options are: a hip hop song, a news story, a children's book, a movie, Michael Jackson thriller video.) a. All of them 7. The mass media are industries that produce and distribute cultural products to large numbers of people. a. True 8. In the 1840s, the telegraph, along with newspapers, transformed news into a salable commodity. a. True 9. Aldous Huxley, the author of "Brave New World," and Charlie Chaplin, who made the movie "Modern Times," predicted a future in which technology would lead to more individual freedom and expression. a. False
10. Because these days we watch TV shows on our own schedule rather than when it airs, individual interests take precedence over shared experience. a. True 11. Who wrote the book Public Opinion (1922), which is considered the founding book in American Media Studies? a. Walter Lippmann 12. People use media to satisfy their needs. This theory asks, "What do people do with media?" rather than "What media does to people." a. Uses and gratifications theory 13. If you are trying to understand human behavior rather than predict it, you would take a cultural studies approach. a. True 14. The Third Person Effect says that people believe others are less affected by media messages than they are themselves. a. False 15. If people view violent videos and then engage in more violent behavior, a media effects researcher would conclude that viewing violent videos and violent behavior are _______________________. a. Correlated 16. The definition of Agenda Setting is that the media can't tell us what to think but can tell us what to think about. a. True 17. "War of the Worlds," the 1938 radio broadcast by Orson Welles about an invasion from Mars, laid the groundwork for which media theory? a. Minimal effects theory 18. The absence of representation or underrepresentation of some groups is _____________________________. a. Symbolic annihilation 19. In the Cultivation Effect, heavy viewing of TV leads people to perceive the world in ways more consistent with TV's portrayal of the world. a. True
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