T Stewart Key Assessment_MEDT 7476



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Dec 6, 2023





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Assessment Plan and Implementation Report Please use this template for Assignment 2 and Assignment 3. Below, there will be gray instructional text. This is here to serve as an indicator of what you should put within each section. Please ensure you delete it and c hange the text color back to black before submitting your assignment. Project Info Your Name: Tara Stewart Assessment Task Title: Romeo and Juliet Character Analysis Grade Level or Role of Learners: 8th grade Subject: English Client Info Client Name: Tiffany Benincosa Client Organization: McCleksey Middle School Client Email: tiffany.benincosa@cobbk12.org *Client Certificatio n Number: 184709 MEDT 7476: Assessing Learning with Technology-Enhanced Instruction 1
Assignment 2: Assessment Plan (2) Instructional Objective Instructional Objective Bloom’s Level (1)I can develop my product appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the original character and text. Create (2) I will analyze the character’s development over the course of the text through their interactions with other characters. Analyze (3) I will analyze the character’s development over the course of the text through their conflicts, internal and external. Analyze (4) I will analyze the character’s development over the course of the text through how they advance the plot. Analyze (5) I will analyze the character’s development over the course of the text through how they advance a particular theme(s). Analyze (3) Assessment Task Annotation In this assessment students will be required to complete a character analysis of a character from Romeo and Juliet. Students are able to pick any character that they want from the play. Students will need to make sure that they include every criterion that is mentioned in the rubric. Once students have their character analysis typed out, they will be required to upload a video on Flipgrid. They will briefly describe their character analysis to the class. Once all videos have been uploaded, students will be required to respond to one classmate's post. In the response students will mention something they learned or something they agree with and why. This assessment task will take the students between 3 and 4 class periods. ELAGSE9-10RL3: Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.
● ISTE-Standards 1)Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning science. 6) Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves, creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals. The assessment is aligned with the objectives because it was created with the objectives in mind. If the students can successfully complete the assessment, that means that they were able to meet every objective. In the assessment the students are asked to complete a constructed response of a character from Romeo and Juliet. In response students are required to analyze several aspects of a character from Romeo and Juliet. The analysis piece goes hand and hand with the instructional objectives and Bloom's level. (4) Summary of Assessment Types Used in Plan Assessment Title/Name Assessment Type (constructed response, selected response, other) Assessment Purpose (formative, summative, diagnostic) (1) Romeo and Juliet Character Analysis Constructed Formative (2) (3) The teacher will walk around the classroom as the students are developing their character analysis and provide suggestions where needed. This will give the teacher time to provide additional feedback to students in the developmental phase of the project. (5) Description of Instruction with Teacher/Trainer Directions 1)At the conclusion of reading Romeo and Juliet the teacher will introduce the project to her class. The teacher will handout the project rubric and begin to go over it with the students. The teacher will let the students know that project requires them to do a character analysis of one of the characters from the play. 2) Once the teacher is done going over the rubric and all the requirements of the project, she will show the students an example of what she is looking for. Students will be allowed to use their class notes and their character sheet to help them with the analysis. Students will be given a few
minutes to pick their character. Once a character has been chosen, the students can begin their analysis of their character. 3)The teacher will navigate the classroom to make sure that everyone is on task and fully understands the project. She will also check in with each student to make sure that their character analysis is on the right track. If their analysis is not going well, she will ask the students probing questions. 4) Once the students are done with their analysis of their character, they will create a video on Flipgrid talking about their character analysis. 5) Students will be required to respond to one peer video. (6a) Rubric Title & Description Identify the title of the rubric and briefly describe the rubric or performance evaluation tool. The rubric includes specific descriptors for each rating. The descriptors are clearly distinguished from each other. The descriptors are phrased in clear language. Visit Chapter 7 (p. 93 ) of Butler and McMunn (2014) for a quick review. (6b) Rubric or Other Performance Evaluation Tool The title of the rubric is Unit 4 Task 4. We chose this title because it is consistent with the titles of the teachers previous rubrics. Unit 4 describes the unit the teachers are in on, and task 4 represents the 4th assignment that the students are having to complete. Students are being graded on how well they can analyze a character from Romeo and Juliet. There are 5 criteria that the students will be graded on. Students can receive up to 20 points for each criteria. If a student does not receive the max points allowed, the teacher will leave feedback for the student to note areas of improvement.
(7) Learner Work Example For the Flipgrid portion of the assessment, it is expected that the students create a video of them describing their character to someone else. Once the students have completed the Flipgrid portion, they will be required to upload their character analysis to Canvas. They are required to upload it to Canvas in case they left out details of their character analysis, but have it written down. The example below is an example of what students would create if they did not want to complete the Flipgrid portion of the assessment. Potential commentary could be: What are some other adjectives that could be used to describe Lord Capulet.
(8) Materials and Equipment Romeo and Juliet, the actual play for students to refer to. Students will also need all their notes and assessment rubric. The teacher will need to make sure that she has an example character analysis to share with the students. (9) Instructional Technology Tool(s) The following instructional technology tools are needed for this assessment: laptops, high speed internet, and headphones with the microphone attached. (10) Differentiated Instruction
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