


Southern New Hampshire University *

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Computer Science


Dec 6, 2023




Uploaded by SargentNewt2569 on coursehero.com

7:51 ol 56+ LD CYB 250 Discussion Four , Robert Maharaj posted Nov 12, 2023 2:27 PM W Subscribed Hi everyone, Adopting the latest Cybersecurity technologies enables organizations or individuals to enhance their security posture and mitigate risk. During Discussion One, | chose to discuss behavioral biometrics as a centralized workplace security technology. This technology used machine learning of algorithms to analyze individual user patterns or behaviors. The use of which can identify patterns that are uniquely different from each user. With the adoption of this new technology there are several key aspects to consider in regards to the CIA triad. Beginning with Availability, all software is prone to systematic failures or can become affected by natural disasters. It can further be affected if the user biometric data is compromised, as it cannot be reset and professional input would be required. When looking at confidentiality of the software a few items are notable including some users may not understand how their data is stored and have privacy-related concerns, and attackers can obtain biometric data without the targeted individuals consent or knowledge. For integrity, accuracy of the system is critical to tell each individual user apart and thwart off potential attackers. This can also be impacted by an attacker tampering with the system and uploading new biometric data. @ learn.snhu.edu
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