Homework 4



Temple University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Lab 3-3 Regression (Excel) OQ1 . 0.642368 OQ2 . How well the independent variables (predictors) explain the variation in the dependent variable (outcome) is indicated by the R-squared value in the regression output. The SAT average plus maybe other factors in the model (if any) account for roughly 64.2% of the variance in the college completion rate, according to your output's R-squared value of roughly 0.642. The model is statistically significant, according to the F-statistic and related p-value (1.33E-285), suggesting that the SAT average may be a good predictor of college completion rate. OQ3 . 95%(LOWER) AQ1 . Since SAT scores are frequently regarded as measures of academic aptitude and students who score higher on the exam are typically more likely to finish college, there should be a correlation between SAT averages and completion rates. Since a positive correlation is predicted, higher SAT scores are probably linked to greater completion rates. AQ2 . Given that the SAT average is a test taken prior to college enrollment, it might be viewed as a potential cause in the relationship between the two variables; on the other hand, the completion rate is an observation made after a student has completed college. AQ3 . Because it is used to explain fluctuations in the response variable—in this case, the completion rate—the SAT average is the explanatory variable given this causal relationship. It is important to remember that even if the SAT average has predictive power, it does not always indicate causality. When evaluating the results, other factors that can have an impact on both
SAT scores and college completion rates should be taken into account. Comprehensive Lab 3-6 Dillard’s: Data Abstract and Regression (Excel) OQ1.570016 OQ2.0.008727 OQ3. 0.000000 or in scientific notation p <2.2 * 10 ^-16. OQ4. The ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) table shows that the Significance F value is 0. Generally speaking, this would be seen as a very small result, probably less than the software's precision limit, indicating that the regression model is statistically significant at conventional levels. AQ1. With only 0.87% of the variation in the dependent variable explained by the model, the low R Square value indicates that the model does not adequately explain spending variability. Even so, the extremely low p-value for "ONLINE_DU" suggests that conducting business online is statistically significant in predicting expenditure; yet, it is more likely that other variables not taken into account by the model have a bigger influence on the amount of money that customers spend.
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