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Electrical Engineering


Dec 6, 2023





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University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Hello. NE 216 Laboratory 4 FALL 2011 Prepared by Kapur , Vamika UW Student ID Number: 20995888 UW User ID: v4kapur Prepared by Gupta , Shreeja UW Student ID Number: 20996288 UW User ID: s25gupta 2A Nanotechnology Engineering
14/11/23 Having watched the presentation, we will go through the following exercise: 4.1-7 Your Solution In Laboratory 2, you were required to document all aspects of your algorithm. You were also required to check all parameters for their types, etc . You must do the same for this laboratory; however, you will only need to provide the final solution for the Dormand-Prince algorithm; however, you will still be required to implement and test an implementation of the 4 th -order Runge Kutta algorithm with the signature function [t_out, y_out] = rk4( f, t_rng, y0, n ) Copy and paste your entire Matlab function for dp45 with comments and error checking here: function [t_out, y_out] = dp45( f, t_rng, y0, h, eps_abs ) if ~isa(f, 'function_handle' ) throw(MException( 'MATLAB:invalid_argument' , 'f is not a function handle' )); end if ~all(size(t_rng) == [1, 2]) throw(MException( 'MATLAB:invalid_argument' , 't_rng is not a 2-D row vector' )); end if ~isscalar(y0) throw( MException( 'MATLAB:invalid_argument' , 'y0 is not scalar' )); end if ~isscalar(h) || (h <= 0) throw(MException( 'MATLAB:invalid_argument' , 'h is not positive, scalar, or both' )); end if ~isscalar(eps_abs) || (eps_abs <= 0) throw( MException( 'MATLAB:invalid_argument' , 'eps_abs is not positive, scalar, or both' )); end A = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1/4 3/4 0 0 0 0 0; 11/9 -14/3 40/9 0 0 0 0; 4843/1458 -3170/243 8056/729 -53/162 0 0 0; 9017/3168 -355/33 46732/5247 49/176 -5103/18656 0 0; 35/384 0 500/1113 125/192 -2187/6784 11/84 0]'; by = [5179/57600 0 7571/16695 393/640 -92097/339200 187/2100 1/40]'; bz = [ 35/384 0 500/1113 125/192 -2187/6784 11/84 0]'; c = [0 1/5 3/10 4/5 8/9 1 1]'; K = zeros(1, 7); % Initialize t_out and y_out % Initialize our location to k = 1 2
t_out = t_rng(1); y_out = y0; k = 1; while t_out(k) < t_rng(2) for m = 1:7 K(m) = f(t_out(k) + h*c(m), y_out(k) + h*c(m)*K*A(:,m)); end %end of for loop y_tmp = y_out(k) + h*K*by; z_tmp = y_out(k) + h*K*bz; %error factor s = ((h.*eps_abs)./(2 * (t_rng(2) - t_rng(1)) * abs(y_tmp - z_tmp))).^(1/4); if s >= 2 y_out(k + 1) = z_tmp; t_out(k + 1) = t_out(k) + h; k = k + 1; h = 2.*h; else if s >= 1 y_out(k + 1) = z_tmp; t_out(k + 1) = t_out(k) + h; k = k + 1; else h = h./2; end %end of while loop %final check if t_out(k) + h > t_rng(2) h = t_rng(2) - t_out(k); end end end 4.8 Testing your Implementation Warning: All the questions you will do in parts a , b , and c will be repeated with the Dormand-Prince method in parts d , e , and f , respectively. Use scripts to reduce your workload! Consider using a for loop for parts c and f . We are now ready to test your code. For all questions, use format long 3
4.8 a With examples from the presentations, we had: function [dy] = f4a(t, y) dy = (y - 1).^2 .* (t - 1).^2; end function [y] = y4a_soln( t ) y = (t.^3 - 3*t.^2 + 3*t)./(t.^3 - 3*t.^2 + 3*t + 3); end and we approximated the solution with: [t2a, y2a] = rk4( @f4a, [0, 1], 0, 11 ) plot( t2a, y2a, 'or' ) hold on [t2a, y2a] = ode45( @f4a, [0, 1], 0 ); plot( t2a, y2a, 'b' ) It’s up to you to make sure your solution matches the output shown in the presentation. Save the right-hand side of the differential equation (1) cos y t t y t y t t y t    as the function f 4 b and execute the following: [t2b, y2b] = rk4( @f4b, [0, 1], 0, 11 ) plot( t4b, y4b, 'or' ) [t2b, y4b] = ode45( @f4b, [0, 1], 0 ); hold on plot( t4b, y4b, 'b' ) title( 'uwuserid and uwuserid' ) % or title( 'uwuserid' ) 4
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