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DePaul University *

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Dec 6, 2023





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Question 1 (20 points) Which of the following statements is correct about isotopes for ice cores? () Heavier isotopes are associated with warmer air temperatures O Lighter isotopes are associated with warmer air temperatures Question 2 (20 points) Which of the following statements is correct about isotopes for sea cores? () Heavier isotopes are associated with warmer air temperatures Q Lighter isotopes are associated with warmer air temperatures Question 3 (20 points) Which of the following statements is incorrect? At the end of an ice age, carbon dioxide concentrations increase which increases air temperatures due to the greenhouse effect. Increases in solar radiation at high latitudes due to orbital variations trigger ice sheet melting. The increase in global temperatures at the end of an ice age is seen in ice cores records but not sea core records. Question 4 (20 points) Which of the following statements is incorrect? O Trees grow larger (that is, have wider rings) when temperatures are warmer. Q Tree ring records can only reach as far back in time as the oldest living tree. The last decade is almost certainly the warmest the Earth has been for the last 400 years.
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