Image Of Salvation



Liberty University *

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Dec 6, 2023





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1 Image of Salvation Image Of Salvation Kimberly D. Mosley Liberty University Theo104 C11: Introduction to Theology Survey Richard McGee November 6, 2023
2 Image of Salvation Introduction The gospel of salvation is among the beautiful concepts of the Bible. These include adoption, conversion, justification, regeneration, redemption atonement, election, sanctification and glorification. Together these images provide a comprehensive understanding of redemption, from transformative rebirth to forgiveness through justification. People often misunderstand the profound nature of salvation, a truly precious gift filled with beautiful qualities. Salvations stands among these qualities because it can maintain a relationship with God even in our transgressions. Definition I want to focus on redemption, as it plays a pivotal role in our salvation. Redemption can be aptly described as the act of "buying back" or "purchasing" [Etz15]. In essence, redemption serves as the currency Jesus used to facilitate our connection with Him in heaven. Through His ultimate sacrifice, Jesus paid the price that allows us to establish and nurture a relationship with Him. As the Scripture in Ephesians 1:7 beautifully articulates, "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace." It was Jesus who provided us with the opportunity to rekindle our relationship with God, acting as our redemption. His motivation behind this act was to grant humanity a renewed chance to connect with Him. The initial sin in the garden severed the intimate relationship we shared with God, a bond we once cherished. However, by assuming the burden of humanity's sins, Jesus paved the way for humanity to restore that close relationship with God. He paid the ultimate price for humanity's mistakes, becoming our redemption.
3 Image of Salvation The Relationship between Redemption and Sin The relationship between redemption and sin is relatively straightforward. Due to our sins, God needed to establish a pathway for renewed communion with us. Jesus emerged as the exclusive means to facilitate this connection by offering Himself as a flawless sacrifice. Since Adam's transgression in the Garden of Eden, sin has cast a shadow of devastation and ailment worldwide. However, through Christ's atonement for our sins, redemption becomes the invaluable price He paid to cleanse our lives and, ultimately, the world when He reigns upon His return. With Jesus shouldering the burden of our sins, restoring our relationship with Him would remain attainable. It is through His redemption that we gain the opportunity to commune with the Lord now and, in the future, dwell with Him. The necessity for redemption stems from humanity's initial choice to sin in the garden. Instead of making us bear the ultimate cost, Jesus willingly embraced it on our behalf, purchasing us back despite what we had done to Him. Redemption is the exclusive way our sins are forgiven, opening the door to a renewed relationship with God. Application The cost of redemption was indeed steep; Jesus, the sole perfect human on Earth, sacrificed His life to atone for our sins. He willingly made this selfless act to facilitate our reconnection. The redemption offered by Christ is a gift, requiring nothing more than our acceptance. Jesus, through His death, became the ultimate sin offering, providing us with His gift, His sacrifice. By doing so, He redeemed us, effectively purchasing us back from the consequences of our own choices and sins. Despite the predicament we find ourselves in, our compassionate and loving God offered us an alternative. Through our acceptance of Jesus'
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