Electrostatic Force



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Dec 6, 2023





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The Electrostatic Force Steven Haramis Student of Ocean County Kinetic Theory of Gases Physics 282 June 7, 2023
Introduction: The electrostatic force, which arises from the interaction of electric charges, is a fundamental force of nature. This experiment aims to strengthen the understanding of Coulomb's law, electric fields, and charge interactions. The electrostatic force refers to the force exerted between two charged objects, either attracting or repelling each other. If charges have the same sign, they repel each other, while opposite charges attract. Coulomb's law precisely describes this relationship, stating that the force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of their magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Coulomb's Law is F=(|Q1||Q2|)/r^2 where F represents the magnitude of electrostatic force. Thus, increasing the distance between charges weakens the attraction or repulsion. Coulomb's constant, with a value of 8.99 × 10^9 Nm²/C², plays a crucial role in this law. The magnitudes of the charges are represented as |Q1| and |Q2|, and "r" denotes the distance between the charges. Experiment: Experiment 1: In my first experiment I will calculate the electrostatic force between +1μ 𝐶 and -1μ 𝐶 charges that are 10 centimeters apart. The experiment will be conducted through calculations and the virtual simulation through PhET Interactive simulations. The calculations I workout should be equivalent to the virtual simulation.
Calculations: F= k (|Q1|)(|Q2|)/r^2 F= (8.99x10^9 Nm^2/C^2) ((1μ 𝐶 )(1μ 𝐶 )/10cm^2)=.899 N The image of the virtual simulation shows 2 charges, one being +1μ 𝐶 and -1μ 𝐶 and are 10 centimeters from each other. The virtual simulation shows that the electrostatic force is .899 N, the forces are attracted to each other since one is negative and one is positive. The value in the virtual simulation is almost exactly the same as my calculations.
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