
3171 Lead And Manage A Team Within A Health And Social Care Setting

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1.1 Explain the features of effective team performance Tuckman (1965) suggests that understanding is required in order for teams to reach maturity. Tuckman phases of team development are: Forming Storming Norming Performing And later he added Adjourning. 1.2 Identify the challenges experienced by developing teams Team development often requires organisational change and some staff are fearful of change and worried about working with people they do not know. Personality clashes sometimes may become issues. It is important when developing teams to recruit staff with the relevant skills and expertise required and new team members should be inducted in a way that they understand the team working principles and what their roles are so they …show more content…

Team culture encompasses the professional values of the team members. As a new team member you are inducted to understand the team’s culture and values and how you can become a valued member of the team. Working in health and social care staff care for others and they should expect to be cared for at work. A good manager can create a workforce community culture where talented staff are valued and retained. A positive culture within a team promotes a positive outcome for the service users. 2.2 Demonstrate how own practice supports a positive culture in the team Reflection on and in practice allows individuals to consider their performance, this is your own internal supervisor and you can identify your strengths and weaknesses within the team. All team m embers can support each other to develop their weaknesses and share their strengths. When workers consider their own practice the two most collaborative skills they need to have as a team member are to: Appreciate and understand their own responsibilities within a team Communicate from a service user perspective 2.3 Use systems and processes to support a positive culture in the team It is important that there are mechanisms in place to support the exchange of information on effective working practice Hackman (2002) describes four types of teams: 1. Manager

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