
Analysis Of Fences By August Wilson

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Fences is a short history written by the African-American author August Wilson in 1985, that follows a tragic flow and explores significant social issues like racism, family conflicts, mental illness and gender inequality that took place in the post- World War II era, and still affecting us today. To support his ideas, the author takes us into the life of its characters in order to examine their societal and self-imposed limitations; also, the effective use of symbols, setting and themes create a broad perspective of this societal issues analyzing its origin, developing and culmination, in order to let the readers make their own conclusions. To begin with, in this play the author unfolds family conflicts that involve its characters into a series of events that affected their lives and pushed them to unexpected ways. Is the year 1957 in the Industrial city of Pittsburg. Troy Maxon is fifty-three years old. He has been married to Rose for 18 years, this devotion to him has led her to ignore the more difficult aspects of his character. Furthermore, one of the literary elements used to spotlight this issue is on its plot and dialogues between its characters. The plot explores the roots of Troy Maxon, whose past emerge during the curse of the play, and shows a fourteen-year-old boy, who grew up motherless and under the care of a brutal and abusive father. For this reason, he decided to run away from his home and set out on his own in the north of Pittsburg. s with no job a

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