
Bronfenbrenner 's Ecological Systems, Nature And Nurture Influences And Cultural Influences

Decent Essays

Development psychology has many ideas of how humans are influence during their development. The ones that this paper will be covering are the Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems, nature and nurture influences and cultural influences. I have also given my own personal influence to further demonstrate my understanding of each idea.
The Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems is a model created by psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner that refers to five structures of which an individual interacts with that impacts their development. The structures are referred to as systems in the model and there are five systems: Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, Chronosystem.
The Microsystem refers to the environment that has a direct influence on an individual; school, home, place of worship, teachers, and peers are included in the Microsystem. A personal example is that my mother, an extremely prominent figure in any person’s Microsystem, noticed that I had a rather good potential for working on creative stories. As a direct influence on me, she gave me praise on the stories that I showed her and gave me encouragement to continue working on my writing. Therefore, she directly influenced my psychological development since her praise heightened my self-esteem and allowed me to have a good self-image of myself thanks to the environment I was raised in.
The Mesosystem refers to the interactions that occur between the systems, such as how one’s school life interacts with one’s home life.

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