
Causes Of The American Revolution

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The American Revolution was one of the greatest political and ideological revolution in history, starting with a slow spread of the flames of rage against the British through the hearts of the angry American colonists. As tensions started to rise between them, the battle between mother and child became inevitable. There was going to be bloodshed and fighting, and LOTS of it. Starting with the French and Indian War (or the Seven Years War) from 1756 to 1763, the colonists were angry at being prohibited from settling west of the Appalachians in the newly gained French territory, thanks to the Proclamation of 1763. Later, from 1765 to 1767, numerous taxations and duties were placed on British goods being exported to America, such as the Stamp Act and Townshend Act, without the consent of the colonists. The Intolerable, or Coercive Acts were the last straw for the colonists, bringing their strong distrust toward Britain to an overwhelming anger. The Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775 officially marked the start of the war. The colonists of the 13 Colonies, in their circumstances, had every right to take up arms against Britain because of their loss of rights, increasing radicalism, and unjust economic policies. One reason why the Americans were justified in waging war against the British was because of their loss of rights and oppression from the British. In an excerpt from Thomas Jefferson’s speech in the Second Continental Congress, he said - “In our own native land,

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