
Compare And Contrast The French And Indian War

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Unit Two Essay There were many wars that occurred between the Colonist and the Indians throughout the many years the colonist were in America. Most of these conflicts could be labeled as insignificant because most of the conflict would be small with little repercussion. These conflicts, though small, led up to the French and Indian War. The small conflicts caused the Indians to have enough motivation to be mad at the Colonists and join the French. The French and Indian War also known as the Seven Years War had many results that became the roots for the American Revolutionary War. The roots that caused the American Revolutionary War were the disrespect the colonist were treated with during the French and Indian War, the realization that the British were not indestructible along with the rules that Parliament were creating for the colonist without representation. The first event was that the Colonial soldiers were treated as less than the British soldiers. During the war, there was …show more content…

Before the French and Indian War there was the belief that the British could not be defeated. This was proven by British defeats at Ft. Duquesne and Ft. Oswego. Even though Britain was defeated a couple of times throughout the war, the French lost most of their land in America therefore losing their influence in America. This angered the French causing them to want to get revenge on Britain. The colonist used this to their advantage in the Revolutionary War. They became allies with the French. The French supplied the Colonists with many troops, a navy, and almost all of their guns and ammunition. Without the French wanting revenge on Britain the Colonist would never have had an alliance with France. If the Colonist did not have an alliance with France then the American revolutionary War would not have been successful, therefore it would only be considered a

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