
Cultural Appropriation Is Inevitable Like Globalization

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In the summer people wear flower crowns and get excited for the music festivals that come with the season. Their hair is in braids and they have henna sticker tattoos on them. Tanned, smiling and holding hands they head towards the festival 's entrance. One could say this is the new version of the “Flower Power” era from the nineteen sixties and seventies (). However people continue to make the same mistake as the generation before, people decorate themselves with culturally significant items, but they know little about it. 88

Cultural appropriation is inevitable like Globalization The cultural exchanges of ideas, beliefs, and technology, the greater chance of cultural appropriation. This phenomenon is called globalization. Cultural appropriation is inevitable, but it can be viewed in a positive perspective instead of the current negative one. Consider the first time blue jeans became popular in American culture, now across the global people wear blue jeans and some consider it a major part of American culture (). The piece of clothing is so synonymous with American culture some countries like North Korea, have banned the item because the country believes its citizens would start supporting American ideals instead of wearing blue pants. Or the multinational company of Coke-A-Cola has marketed its product across the global but many consumers can identify its products as American goods. Items like blue jeans, dream catchers and henna can carry a lot of

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