
Cultural Difference Argument Is Not A Sound One

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In this paper I will discuss Cultural Relativism and argue that the cultural difference argument is not a sound one, because its premise does not prove or disprove its conclusion. Further, I will use this to prove that morals can be objectively true and do not have to change on a culture to culture basis. Cultural Relativism theorizes the nature of morality and whether moral truths are correct even if they are not agreed on across all cultures. The outline of the Cultural Differences Argument is that we argue from facts about the differences between cultural outlooks and then we conclude something about the status of morality from this argument . Overall each of these moral arguments is built upon one fundamental outline which claims that (1) Different cultures …show more content…

This argument claims that we are not allowed to condemn another culture just because it is different from our own. While it is an interesting idea to be tolerant and accepting of all choices from other cultures, it is just not plausible. It is an acceptance which leads to no growth in society and results in the inability to also criticize the negative aspects of a society. For example, if we agreed that each culture has the right to believe and do as they please without outside interference, then we would not be able to criticize slavery or anti-semitism because they are just the thoughts of that culture. If we were unable to criticize these fundamentally wrong ideas then there would be no growth in culture since we would be unable to disconnect our society from morally incorrect thoughts and move them on to better ideas. This thought that one’s culture is always correct in its opinions not only makes it impossible for one to criticize another culture, but it also makes it impossible for one to criticize their own

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