
Differences Between Macro And Micro Aspects Of Society

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In society, there are generally two levels of sociological analysis or theories which are also referred to as branches of sociology namely, macro and micro theories. A Macro Theory is one that analyses and focuses on major structural phenomena of society and gives us a wide understanding of how societies survive and change. On the other hand, a Micro Theory is one that studies the nature of everyday face-to-face human social interactions between individuals and how these individuals interpret the social world. Similarly, Macro Theory is interested in the broad social features of society whereas Micro Theory is interested in how human beings in the society function, interpret, change and respond accordingly to these broad social phenomena. There are …show more content…

Firstly, Macro perspectives focus on the large scale aspects of society such as social stability and social change whereas Micro perspectives focus on the small scale level interaction between individuals such as a conversation. Micro perspectives talk about the day-to-day processes between individuals which human beings require. Human beings need people around them who they can relate to or form relationships and bond with which is a normal function of being a human, that is, to interact with others. On the other hand, Macro perspective deals with maintaining social order or structure among people. In addition, it focuses more on public concerns more than just the concerns of individuals. For instance, macro perspectives deals with issues of the world or society such as war, poverty, third world nations whereas micro perspectives analyses issues pertaining to the individuals such as the role of women, the nature of the family and factors or issues that cause people to migrate. It also, deals with the norms and values of a society which are symbols that shape individual in a society and their behaviours rather than people shaping the

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