
Dimensions of Health Essay

Decent Essays

Definitions of the dimensions of health Humans have been around for many centuries. In this century, we are growing more aware of the negative effects illness and stress have on the human body. We are also becoming aware of the necessary steps needed to be healthy and accomplish a longer life span. With the ever-growing number of diseases around the human population, it is imperative that humans realize the importance of being healthy. People believe health is attained by just eating healthy foods, and exercising but that is not the case. Different components compile a human beings overall health; the components are called six different dimensions. The different dimensions are physical, psychological, spiritual, social, intellectual, and …show more content…

Social health goes hand-in-hand with spiritual health. Social health is the ability of a person to interact with other people around them. It is the ability of a person to find comfort in other people. Socially healthy people like to be around other people and are friendly and helpful around their communities, thus causing an amiable and pleasant community. As well as making friends, socially healthy people tend to have healthy relationships and are not too prone to be sick.
Intellectual health is another important part of a healthy person. A person needs to be intellectually healthy to take place within society. One must think, and be able to learn from ones actions and from others actions to survive. Through out a persons life decisions will need to be made and unless a person knows how to think, they cannot make good decisions. Additionally a person needing to be intellectually healthy for a good life, should be as knowledgeable as possible so he or she can have fulfilling conversations and socially and culturally different friends.
Environmental health is the last of the components of health or the last of the six dimensions of health. Environmental refers to the environment surrounding the people, is the environment is unhealthy the person will develop many problems, from physical to mental. In

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