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Abstract Descriptive epidemiology is based on two important premises which are central in the field. The first premise states that disease does not occur in isolation. Secondly, patterns of disease occurrence are placed under three important categories of person, place and time. This paper seeks to build understanding on the three areas by giving relevant examples where they are applied.

In Epidemiology studies the important demographic information will include age, sex, marital status, race, ethnicity, and religion and socioeconomic status. Age is considered the most important factor and is …show more content…

Socioeconomic status of the person may point to their lifestyle, which in turn may predict their likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. The poor, for instance are likely to make wrong food choices that can predispose them to obesity and other lifestyle diseases. When determining the socioeconomic class, epidemiology studies looks at the person’s occupation, level of education, income and in some instances a combination of the above (Descriptive Epidemiology n.d).
Important characteristics in place include the understanding of infectious and chronic diseases, which reveal different patterns in countries. We can gain insight by comparing disease frequency in different countries as well as their rates within countries. Another important characteristic is the difference in disease prevalence in urban and rural settings. This can provide us with knowledge of comparison based locations, as well as explanation for disease variation.
In epidemiology we are usually interested in the pattern of disease frequency. For example the occurrence of certain disease conditions like common cold may be due to fluctuation in weather. Other Epidemics have been known to occur at certain periods. For instance chronic illnesses may exhibit patterns of secular trend in timing Other interesting features in place epidemics include the cohort and clustering effects, which can exhibit different patterns in the spread

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