
Federalism: The Perfect Balance Of Power In The United States

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What federalism is? Federalism is the balancing of power between the two governments in the United States. The two governments are the federal and state governments. For example, if the federal government decides to pass a law, the state government cannot contradict that same law the federal government just passed. Even though it seems the federal system has the perfect balance of power, the system still has to deal with the struggles of internal power. The divided power in the US government goes as follows: • Concurrent Powers: These are powers which both the state and federal governments use simultaneously. • Delegated Powers: It means to delegate powers specifically assigned to the federal government. Our founding fathers believed that on a national level, the government would try and overstep its bounties. So the founding fathers referred their powers as enumerated powers. • …show more content…

The elastic clause or necessary and proper clause allows these by stating that Congress has the power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers (art. I, sec. 8). Examples include: • Hamilton's creation of the National Bank - no power to create banks is delegated the Federal Government, however it was deemed necessary and proper to form a bank to aid in Congress power to coin money and regulate the economy (McCullough vs. Maryland 1819). • Regulation of Railroads, Shipping, Highways - Congress is delegated the power to regulate interstate trade and as such it is implied that Congress also has the power to regulate interstate transportation by which interstate trade is made possible (Gibbons vs. Ogden 1824). • Denied Powers - Powers are not allowed to either the federal or state governments. This was a way in which the founding fathers attempted to create a limited

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