
Frosts Life as a Poet Essay

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Robert Frost’s Life as a Poet
Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco, California on March 26 of 1974 and died in Boston, Massachusetts on January 29 of 1963. Though he did not truly start publishing poems until age thirty-nine, Frost obtained four Pulitzer prizes in his writing career and was deemed one of the greatest twentieth century poets. His pastoral writing and skilled use of meter and rhythm has captured the attention of reader’s and critics for decades (Academic American, 345). Frost was very fond of nature and the beauty of things around him and illustrated this in many of his poems. A reviewer stated that Frost was “always occupied with the complicated task of simply being sincere” (Faggen, I). This statement describes the …show more content…

Frost continued to move around a lot as his family had done. In 1892 Frost was engaged to Elinor White (his co-valedictorian) and begins college at Dartmouth. He chose this school instead of Harvard for financial reasons and his grandparents blamed much of Frost’s father’s problems on Harvard. He did not last long there however and left the school a few months later. He returned to Lawrence to work in a woolen mill for a year after which he departed to teach primary school in Salem. Frost became acquainted with Susan Hayes Ward when his poem “My Butterfly: An Elegy” was published in the paper that she edited. In 1895 Frost finally received his wish and married Elinor White, and gained a job as a reporter for a local paper. A year later his son, Elliot, was born and Frost began teaching again; this time at his mothers new school. Frost went to Harvard one year later, but left two years later because his wife and mother’s health was not good. Frosts daughter was born in 1899 and Frost takes up poultry farming with some financial help from his grandfather (Faggen, xii). Over the next ten years Frost wrote poems, but had few published and he maintained his farm while expanding his family. In 1911 he sold the farm and moved to England a year later. It is interesting to note that he chose England with the flip of the coin because he and his wife were not sure whether to go to British Columbia or England. “The coin chose England” Frost

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