
Genre Theory Paper

Decent Essays

Genre theory is used in the study of films in order to categorize films. Genre are dependent on different factors such as who the director is, story line, and audience expectations (Azia, n.d). Genres are types or categories and genre films that are usually recognizable as part of a certain genre (Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, 2014, section 4.1). To better understand genre there are several examples to look at. When watching a fantasy film we know that within the movie we will expect to see unreal, magical, or impossible situations, characters or settings often overlapping with various other genres (GoodyKoontz, 2014). In musical films you will see that the film mainly focuses on songs. Genres also have subgenres which are sub categories of a …show more content…

Instead of strictly dialogue, the narrative may from time to time be advanced by characters breaking into song. Numerous subgenres exist within the musical genre from musical comedy to musical drama to animated musicals to musical documentaries and concert films” (Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, 2014, section 4.4). A scene that helps classify Snow White and the Seven dwarfs into the animated musical genre is the scene where all the dwarfs are working hard at the jewelry mine and once work gets over they walk home in a single line singing the song heigh-ho heigh-ho its home from work we go as they dance and skip on their walk home from work. Another scene that illustrates a musical/fantasy genre is the scene where Snow White discovers the dwarf’s cabin and with help from the animals of the forest she starts to clean the house while singing whistle while you work. I’m sure we would all love if our animals could help us with chores around the house but that will most likely never happen. This is a perfect example of a movie with fantasy genre. The fantasy genre has events that occur outside the ordinary laws that operate within the universe. Magic is central to the fantasy genre and fantasy stories often involve journeys and quests like the wicked queen on a quest to kill Snow White. There are three different ways that fantasy writers set up their worlds. Some films begin and end in a fantasy world, others start in the real world and a third type of fantasy is set in the real world but elements of magic intrude upon it (Dewan,

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