
How Did Margaret Sanger Influence A Women's Rights Movement

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Margaret Sanger, a women’s health activist, was one of the most influential women of her time. She was one of the first people to open a birth control clinic, along with writing multiple books on the health and values of women. She was also one of the first people to change the way Americans thought of women. She wanted more respect not just for herself, but the million of women around her. Sanger established the first birth control clinic in the United States, founded the Birth Control League in 1921, and fought for the legalization of the birth control pill. Margaret Sanger was crucial in the fight for birth control and became a women's rights activist in order to change the ideals and values of women. Sanger influenced the American …show more content…

Sanger was thought of as a major feminist during her era. Sanger believed that women needed to stop thinking that they were beneath men. She wanted women to make themselves happy, not just be servants to men. Sanger pushed to change the idea that women should follow in mens footsteps, she wanted a revolutionary change. Sanger was often thrown through many obstacles while trying to legalize birth control. Most men tried putting a stop to birth control. Even some women tried to put a stop to birth control from the influence of men. The government thought birth control would hurt more than aid the people of America. Sanger did not want to live in a sexist, men dominated world, she believed that it “is not to preserve a man-made world, but to create a human world by the infusion of the feminine element into all of its activities." Sanger desired for men to think of women as more than just a children making machine. She wanted the women of America to have their own dreams and goals and to have high self respect. Sanger wanted to educate women on how they can work for themselves and not just be under the thumb of a man. She did not want women to fear the dominance of a man. Sanger pushed to educate women in order for them to have more expectations for

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