
How Does Emerson Use Hyperbole

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Nancy Toussie Dr. Honig 11-10 November 23, 2015 Conformity: Individualism in Exchange for Acceptance In “Self Reliance,” Emerson states, “society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members.” Emerson uses hyperbole by referring to not merely one society but society “everywhere.” Nevertheless, I do agree with the essence of what Emerson is trying to say, and my experiences prove his point. One of Emerson’s key points in “Self Reliance” is that a person’s integrity is formed by his courage to be himself, to trust his own insights and ideas rather than trusting those of society. In this statement, Emerson is supporting his main point by explaining that the more self reliant a person is, the less he or she feels …show more content…

Asch’s experiment was performed in 1951 and is now a classic experiment in psychology. Asch asked individuals a simple question and a high percentage answered correctly. Then Asch placed a participant in a room with seven actors who had predetermined incorrect answers. When asked in front of the group, 75% of people would give incorrect answers clearly because of they conformed to the actors around them. Asch then concluded that it is natural for one to conform to society in order to fit …show more content…

For example, by conforming to the laws of the United States, we make our country a safer place. There are cases like this, but they are exceptions, and overall, it is usually better to embrace your individualism. We conform because we want to fit in and feel accepted. Unfortunately, by conforming, we allow others to shape our personalities, behavior and thoughts, taking away our ability to be ourselves. The principle of Emerson’s quote is true: joining a society does indeed take away our liberties and individualism. It is up to us to try to live up to Emerson’s statement of ideal behavior, ““It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of

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