
How Does Swift Write A Modest Proposal

Good Essays

Jonathan Swift was born to English parents on November 30, 1667 in Dublin Ireland.
Swift never knew his father because he died two months before he was born. Now a poor and single mother, Swift's mother decided to entrust the care of her son to his uncle Godwin Swift. This life changing event of going to live with his uncle and going from being poor to now having the opportunity to attend the best schools significantly changed Swift's life for the better. He attended Kilkenny Grammar school which at the time was one of the best schools in Dublin. Then at the young age of just 14 Swift started his studies at Trinity College in Dublin where he would later go on to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Masters Degree. In the early 1700's swift participated in and helped led the Irish people in a resistance against the English. During this time he was the author of many public and political pieces trying to raise awareness within the Irish people on how …show more content…

He wrote this proposal to illustrate how backward the economy and standard of living are in Ireland during the early 1700's, but also how his proposal could improve the economy and standard of living for the Irish people. Swift proposes that the babies of the less fortunate that can not care for their children will help the wealthy of Ireland. These babies will be used to supplement the economy by being used as an additional food source. Now they will no longer be a burden on society but now they will help contribute to the feeding of society. Swift makes this proposal because of Ireland’s current sub standard living conditions. Within his proposal Swift is offering a way to rid the county of its excess children and in turn using them to contribute to society so they do not “grow up either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the Pretender in Spain, or sell themselves to the

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