
Compare And Contrast Roosevelt And Woodrow Wilson

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Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were both innovative, progressive presidents. Many of their policies were similar, focusing on reform, destruction of monopolies and trusts, and improving conditions of the common American through policy change in Washington. However, both presidents are remembered in different lights and for vastly different reasons. Theodore Roosevelt unquestionably had the bigger positive impact on American idealism, as he is commemorated on Mount Rushmore and considered one of the “five great” American presidents. Roosevelt was the naturalist responsible for our national parks, but his policies on military and war were contradictory to the sensitivities he displayed toward nature. Roosevelt led the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War, and led the country similarly. Believing in the nationalist sentiment of creating a sense of pride in American conquest, Roosevelt campaigned for the annexation of Hawaii, took control of Cuba, and instituted his policy of “speak softly, but carry a big stick” to strong arm his way into the creation of the …show more content…

As a PhD and former president of Princeton University, Wilson had a bit softer of approach to the presidency. Wilson, like Roosevelt, was a progressive reformer, instituting federal institutes, such as the Federal Reserve and the Federal Trade Commission, but Wilson had quite the opposite ideas of war and conquest. Wilson was slow to enter The Great War, and only did so to preserve American life when Germany began targeting passenger ships carrying American citizens. When America entered the war and helped a achieve a quick, decisive victory for the Allies, he was hailed overseas as the “hero from the West.” His creation of The League of Nations, which was shot down by the Senate during his infirm years following a stroke, likely could have helped prevent further unrest in European nations that led to World War

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