
Huck Finn's Changes and Perspectives in Mark Twain's 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'

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Huck Finn's Changes & Perspectives Introduction
The highly lauded novel by Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, entertains the reader with one adventure after another by a young boy (and his runaway slave friend Jim) in the mid-1800s who is on strange but interesting path to adolescence and finally adulthood. What changes did he go through on the way to the end of the novel? And what was his worldview at the end of the novel? These two questions are approached and answered in this paper.
Huck Finn's Changes in the Mark Twain Novel
Essentially, the story is episodic, and with each important episode, the boyish Huck is entering the world of grown-ups. The incidents he goes through are a kind of initiation into manhood. For example, when he witnessed the mean-spirited fight in the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons episode, he wishes he ""¦hadn't ever come ashore that night, to see such things" (Twain, 134). He knows people are mean, not just to Blacks, but to each other, and this is part of his education while growing up a free boy in a crazy world.
In the beginning of the novel Huck is running away (from his mean "Pap" and from restrictions that his aunt was placing on him) but he is also running toward a maturity that has previously eluded him. Huck went through many life-changing episodes in the process of the novel, and they gave him a more mature understanding of how crazy and unpredictable the world can be, from the eyes of a young boy at least.
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