
Identity And Identity In Alice Walker's 'Everyday Use'

Decent Essays

It has been said that “One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” What should matter is being true to oneself and loving the person that you have become. This short story is narrated by Mama who is telling her story of her two daughters, Dee and Maggie. Both daughters live their lives in very different ways. In Dee's case, she goes out to make all that she can of herself while leaving her mother and sister behind. Maggie stays at home with their Mama and makes the most out of what surrounds her. All three ladies have different perspectives of their own heritage and identity. The conflict in “Everyday Use” is that Mama has these two daughters fighting over a quilt. In the end, readers will find that what matters most is not forgetting where you come from and who you are as a person. In “Everyday Use” Alice Walker emphasizes to her readers the importance of self-identities and family through her use of conflict, setting, and characterization, suggesting that sometimes people are so motivated in pleasing others while neglecting the things that matter to them the most.

One’s heritage and identity should not be separated from one’s everyday life. The “Everyday Use” story takes place in the late 1960s in the southern regions of America during the time when African Americans were fighting for their identity and to preserve whatever heritage they have. According to the statement that Mama made, “colored asked fewer questions then than they do now” . In the yard, Mama awaits her daughter’s return. The theme setting plays an important role in this story because of Dee, the eldest daughter chooses to leave the place where she had grown up because she believes that nothing will become of her if she stays in her home town. She chooses to leave home and get an education while her sister Maggie stays home and is looked down upon by her sister because she chose to stay at home. According to Mama, “A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. It is not just a yard. It is an extended living room.”1 The yard and the comparison to the living room are very clear that one think of one’s living room as a

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