
Imperialism In Cuba

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Cuba, officially known as the Republic of Cuba (which it, most assuredly, is not), is a large island nation located in the northern part of the Caribbean Sea, closer to the United States than Latin America. Historically, Cuba was inhabited by indigenous Americans, of which the Taíno comprised the dominant culture on the island (Dacal Moure and Rivero de la Calle, 1996). From the time of Columbus until 1898, Cuba was governed by Spain, and its agricultural economy relied on the importation of African slaves (Suchlicki, 2002). The people of Cuba are, at this time, an intermixture of these three ethnic groups, though people with lighter colored skin are generally in the higher socioeconomic strata, meaning which in Cuba means either professionals …show more content…

In 1956, Fidel Castro and fewer than 100 supporters landed in Cuba to start a rebellion against Batista; by 1958, Castro's July 26th movement was the dominant opposition political group and by late 1958 Castro was firmly in control with Batista fleeing to the Dominican Republic on January 1, 1959 (Suchlicki, 2002). By the mid-1960s, Castro was absolutely in control of the island and his dictatorship was established. There were obstacles along the way: the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis of the following year, which remains the closest that the Cold War ever came to igniting into a nuclear superpower conflict and an American embargo of Cuba (Suchlicki, …show more content…

On the island, the standard of living progressively deteriorated to the point where it can now be politely described as dismal. Cuba was an economic failure and survived only because of massive Soviet assistance that effectively ended with the demise of the Soviet Union, which only accelerated the economic deterioration; Cuba has essentially been in a state of economic stasis since these events, now over five decades ago (Central Intelligence Agency, 2017). Fidel Castro remained solidly in control until a combination of age and infirmity forced him to relinquish his position to his brother Raúl, who does remain in power at present. While there was some recent softening in the official American attitude toward Cuba, including admission to the Organization of American States and the resumption of diplomatic relations with the United States, the economic blockade and strict currency restrictions do remain in place (Central Intelligence Agency, 2017). At present, the relationship between the United States and Cuba is currently in a state of flux as the Trump administration determines its course of action toward Cuba (Davis,

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