
Into The Wild Chris Mccandless Selfish Quotes

Decent Essays

Jon Krakauer, the author of the book, Into the Wild only know about Chris McCandless is an explorer traveling to Alaska search for himself reborn. However he isn’t exactly what he really is, but an ignorant, foolish, selfish, and misunderstanding of the world in which he lives. These words that have been used to describe him are based on the idea that he went on a journey to the Alaskan wilderness to seek his own revelation, but not having a firm grasp of reality, he senselessly died a stubborn man, the people mention that he was unprepared to go into the wilderness, didn’t listen to a more experienced person, broken several of state laws, abandoned his family and loved ones, and followed a dream that never existed. Personally believed he is an ignorant fool, selfish, and misunderstand man that throws his life away for nothing but despair. Chris is an Ignorant person for several reasons, such as the several poor misguided decision he made throughout his journey. In Chapter 8, Nick James an Alaskan native quotes, “Such willful Ignorant… amounts of disrespect for the land, and paradoxically demonstrates the same sort of arrogance that resulted in the Exxon Valdez Spill just another case of underprepared…”(72). This quote shows the Alaskan viewpoint of …show more content…

In Chapter 3, states, “Driving west out Atlanta, he intended to invent an utterly new life for himself, one in which he would be free to wallow in unfiltered experience. To symbolize the complete severance from his previous life, he even adopted a new name. No longer he answers to Chris McCandless; he was now Alexander Supertramp, master of his own destiny.”(22-23). This quote shows the Author’s viewpoint of Chris’s choice to change his reinvent himself. It show’s he is determined to create a new life and leave the old

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