
Is A College Education Worth The Cost?

Decent Essays

Is a College Education Worth the Cost? Have you ever just stopped to think about what it must be like to be “qualified” for a job yet be unemployed and homeless? Starving on the streets because you paid everything you had to an institution that was supposed to guarantee a better life, a more stable and successful career. Obviously this is an extreme case, not everyone who pays for college ends up living on the streets and broke, but almost every college graduate is in debt. For as long as college has been around it has always meant a better life, it’s always been that people who went to college were more successful, smarter, and would make way more money than someone who didn’t go to college ever would. Lately, however, college has become so expensive that going to college will more than likely leave you in debt working for years upon years just to pay back what you owe and then start making money for yourself. The cost for college tuition has skyrocketed, leaving people with no way to afford a degree or scraping to pay back what they already owe. College is more expensive now than it has ever been, making it harder and harder for people to get ahead. College isn’t the only thing leading to this though, jobs are scarce, even if you did make it through college, there isn’t a guaranteed job out there for you unless you arranged it prior to graduating, which makes it even harder to pay back money you owe. This is what makes it seem like it is not worth it to go to college,

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