
Light Brian Andreas

Decent Essays

Poetry can be sometimes only several words long, but sometimes those several words have more meaning than a 200 page book. There are many different forms of poetry, such as a haiku, sonnet, free verse, and acrostic. These different poems can be silly, dramatic, emotional, or romantic. Poetry is an important part of literature. Even if you are not an avid poetry reader you have probably heard of famous poets such as Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, Langston Hughes, and Edgar Allan Poe. In their poems they contain messages of hope, nature, love, and many other things.
The poem I chose that should be preserved for future generations is Light by Brian Andreas. Brian Andreas is a well known poet known for his Story People poetry. His …show more content…

His poems are written in free verse and sometimes seem very short and choppy. This though is what makes his poetry a work of art. He has written several poetry books that are packed full of thought provoking poetry. In the poem Light it begins with, “There is a perfectly still moment right before dawn, when the sun gathers itself and then steps into the dark world” This is describing that moment each day when you wake up and beginning getting ready for the long day ahead of you. You are “gathering” yourself, and at that moment there are no set expectations for you. No one is there judging who you are or what you are to be, at that moment in time, you are only yourself. The next verse is, “Everything is so filled with light that any doubts from that long night are barely a memory.” This section of

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